Chapter 15: Emily

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After another round of drinks, we left the Sunsphere and headed back to my apartment. Being with him was easy. He was funny, charming, and fun to talk to. I could have stayed up there on top of the world with him for hours, just talking and occasionally stealing kisses. But the real world called, several times and we had to descend from our world.

As we neared my complex he stopped and pulled me into his arms, resting his forehead against mine.

"Just don't give up on me," he said.

I shook my head. I knew I couldn't. Not now. Not after today.

"I won't," I whispered. He pressed his lips lightly against mine. I felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He sighed and pulled it out, stepping away from me.

"See what I'm dealing with?" He turned his phone around so I could see the screen. He had six missed calls and fifteen text messages. "All from her." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry. I have to go deal with this."

I nodded in understanding, not wanting my time to end with him, but understanding a little better now what he had to do.

He stroked my cheek and kissed me one more time. "To be continued." He smiled at me, then left me standing alone on the sidewalk as he headed into the complex. It hurt knowing he was going to my apartment to be with another girl. I wanted him all to myself, but knew that wasn't going to happen. I had accepted him in the Sunsphere and I wasn't sorry about it. At this moment, I knew I would take any part I could get.

I was startled by the ringing on my own phone. I pulled it out of my purse as I headed into the complex.

"Hey, Erin," I greeted my best friend. I had forgotten we had said we would talk today, but I was grateful to hear her voice.

"Hey, hooker. How's Rocky Top?"

I heard the yelling from outside the apartment door. I braced myself before slowly opening it and sneaking in. Jay and Lucy were in the living room, screaming at each other. Lucy was red in the face and Jay kept running his fingers through his hair.

"Whoa, everything okay over there?" Erin's concerned voice came over the line.

"Yeah, just a second." I cut through the kitchen making my way to my room. Jay made eye contact with me and shook his head in exasperation. I grimaced at him, made my way to my room and closed the door.

"Sorry." I collapsed on my bed. "My roommate is yelling at her... well... at someone."

"She seems pissed? Is he cheating on her?"

I'm not surprised Erin asked this since this is what Lucy was screaming over and over again as I made my way in.

"Well, funny you should ask." I knew I could tell Erin anything and she wouldn't judge me. We have been friends since grade school and told each other everything.

"What does that mean?" Erin asked.

"Um, that I'm the one he's been seeing behind her back."

"EM! Are you kidding me?"

"It's complicated." I sighed.

"Should I be worried?"

"No. I'm okay." I promised. Then launched into the whole story. I left out some of the personal things Jay had told me but told her about their not relationship and how things had progressed between Jay and me. When I was done, she was silent for some time.

I noticed in her silence that the yelling from the living room had stopped as well. I wondered if he had left or if he was in her room with her. A pang of jealousy shot through me at that thought.

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