Chapter 25: Jay

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The following Wednesday, Emily and I walked down the hill after class. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She wore a tank top that showed off her curves and her brown hair bounced behind her in a ponytail. I wanted to take her hand, to pull her close to me and hold her. I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"What are you doing after class?" I asked her, hoping I could get some alone time with her.

She sighed and looked over at me with those big green eyes, flooding me with warmth.

"I have this stupid Statistics exam tomorrow. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to bomb it." She pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Why do you think that?"

She glanced over at me, then down at the ground. "Because I suck at all things Math."

I cleared my throat. "You know, I'm actually pretty good at Math. I aced Statistics last year."

She stopped walking and turned to me, her eyes widening. "You got an A is Statistics?"

I laughed at her obvious surprise. "I'm not all beauty. I have some brains too." I teased.

This time her mouth flew open and my whole body responded to it.

"That's not... I didn't..." She bit her bottom lip. I smiled and took her hand, even though I knew I shouldn't.

"You're so fucking cute when you get flustered." I took a step closer to her, completely unaware of the students flooding past us. "And when you bite that lip like that..."

"Jay." Her whimsical voice brought me back to the place and time and I cleared my throat and stepped back. Releasing her hand.

"Tell you what," I started. "Why don't we get together this afternoon and I'll help you with your Math problem."

She chortled. "I think I'm aware of how to solve the problem you have in mind." Her eyes drifted over me, smiling at the bulge in my jeans. A huge grin spread across her face as her eyes met mine again. "As tempting as that is, I really have to study."

"I'm serious. We can meet in the library after your next class."

"Nope." She shook her head. "I know what happens in the library."

My dick kicked in my jeans just thinking about pressing Emily up against the stacks. But I was trying to be sincere here.

"Okay then. Somewhere more public. How about the park?"

"The park?" She narrowed her eyes.

I shrugged. "Sure. We can throw out a blanket and I can help you study for your test." The park did seem like a safe choice. There would be other students and kids around.

"You're serious." She folded her arm across her stomach.

"Is it so shocking that I want to spend time with you and help you?"

She hesitated before answering. "Honestly... yeah."

"Why is that?" My throat tightened. I thought I had shown her that she was more to me than a booty call. I had shared things with her I never had with anyone else. I did love her body, but I truly enjoyed being just in her presence. There had been times we have hung out and not had sex. Even though we usually ended up there because she was so damn irresistible.

"Em, you're my favorite person to be around. Clothes on and off." I took her hand again. "Let me help you."

Her head dropped. "I didn't think we had the type of relationship where you helped me with my homework."

I blew out a breath, and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to me. I couldn't hold her at arms length and get her to see how serious I was about her and this relationship. She gasped, placing her hands on my chest, but she was looking at me now.

"Emily," I started, but I didn't even know what to say. The words I wanted to say to her wouldn't come. They were too soon to come. "Fucking hell." I growled, letting her go. I turned away from her, running my hands through my hair.

Once I had pulled myself back together, I turned back to her. She was gripping her bag like it was a life line.

"Jay," She started, but I held up my hand. I caressed her arm, leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Just meet me at the damn park." My heart was hammering in my chest as I walked away, determined to show her I could be more than a hookup. 

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