Chapter 7: Emily

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"You are right," I said, standing from the bed. I tossed my cell phone down. I obviously wouldn't be needing it since the person I was most looking forward to talking to was already here. "I think there are some Jell-o shots out there calling my name."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Mia took my hand and we walked out of the room together. I averted my eyes from Jay as I let Mia lead me into the kitchen.

Mia opened the fridge to pull out the cups filled with Vodka infused Jell-o as Scott rounded the bar and kissed Mia's cheek, taking the tray from her. Despite my best efforts, my eyes drifted over to Jay. He stood in the corner by the keg, with Lucy by his side. He looked so damn good in his tight gray shirt and ripped jeans. His eyes met mine as he took a sip of his beer. I pulled my eyes away.

"Give me one of those." I demanded, reaching over to grab a cherry cup from the tray. Abe walked up behind me and grabbed one as well.

"Hello, beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I tried not to cringe, and to put on a smile instead. It didn't feel the same as when Jay called me beautiful or gorgeous. But enough of him. I turned my focus to Abe.

"Not looking so bad yourself." I patted Abe's chest. He beamed.

"Yo, Jay," Scott called. "Get over here and take shots with us."

Jay headed in our direction, Lucy in tow.

"Are you even listening to me?" Lucy huffed. Scott passed Jay a couple Jell-o shots.

"Take this and chill the fuck out," Jay said to Lucy handing her one of the cups. "I'm not in the mood for this shit tonight." She huffed again but took the cup.

"Let's get this party started." Abe raised his cup up in the air and casually threw his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him, despite my first instinct to move away. I touched my cup to his, looking up into his chocolate eyes.

"To dicks." I cheered, looking at Jay over the cup. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

I threw back my Jell-o shot, then took Abe's hand. "Let's dance." I led him into the living room, and started swaying my body to the music. I glanced over Abe's shoulder. Jay was scowling at the two of us. I mentally high fived myself. Mission accomplished.

As the night wore on, I was introduced to a plethora of people. I tried to keep everyone straight, but I knew I was a little too drunk to remember who was who and who was dating who.

I was standing in the kitchen watching Hannah, or was it Ashely, singing a Taylor Swift song on the karaoke machine. Abe was talking to some buddies by the keg, so I had taken the much needed break from dancing. I had just finished tossing back a Jell-O shot when Jay walked up beside me.

"Hey." He greeted me. "Care to hand me one of those?"

I tried my best to glare at him, but it didn't come across quite like I wanted. Probably because those eyes somehow managed to melt me.

I reached in the fridge and grabbed two more cups. I kept one for myself and tossed the other to him.

"Thanks," he said.

I shrugged. "Sure."

"I never meant for this to be awkward."

"You mean you never meant for me to know you had a girlfriend." I was being snarky and I knew it.

"Look, it's complicated between me and Lucy. Technically she's not my girlfriend." He leaned against the counter beside me.

"Does she know that? Because I'm pretty sure she doesn't." I stuck my finger in my mouth before swirling it around the Jell-O cup. He raised his eyebrows at me as I let the Jell-O slide into her mouth. He cleared his throat before answering my question.

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