Chapter 13: Emily

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I walked as quickly as I could back to my apartment, realizing I was the epitome of the walk of shame. I was still wearing Jay's shirt, clutching my top, bra and shoes against my chest. My breathing was quick and shallow and my hands were shaking. My heart was palpitating wildly in my chest.

I was about halfway through the walk home, when I realized I wasn't wearing any underwear. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying to a God I didn't believe in that Lucy had not found them. I also prayed that Mia was still at Scott's.

I made my way into the complex and took the stairs, not willing to wait for the elevator and risk running into someone I knew. Particularly, Lucy. I fumbled for my keys in my purse and entered the dark apartment, letting out a sigh of relief. I staggered through the dark to my room. I almost jumped out of my skin when my phone rang. I yelped and dropped my belongings on the floor.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Did you leave something behind?" Jay's smooth, sexy voice asked through the phone.

I flipped on the light in my room and double checked the door was locked.

"Yes." I remembered the way his lips felt against my thigh as he peeled my panties off.

"These are quite sexy," he said. "And they smell like you."

"Oh my god." I blushed. "Please tell me you're not smelling my underwear."

"Okay, then. I won't tell you." I could hear his smile. I pressed my palm into my eyes, and fell back on the bed.

"Jay, what are we doing?"

"I called to tell you that the dragon is heading back your way."

I bolted up out of the bed. "Does she know I was there? Did she find my underwear? Is she going to kill me?"

"Relax." He tried to reassure me over the line. "I had to defuse her and send her home so I didn't have to explain why there was a used condom in my wastebasket."

"Oh god," I groaned, smacking my head into my palm. Just then I heard the front door open and I stiffened. "She's here." I whispered.

"Just stay in your room and avoid her. She will be cooled down by morning."

"This can't happen again," I said with as much convention as I could muster.

"Don't say that." His voice was calm and cool.

"I feel like my heart is going to explode," I said. "And I'm going to have to sleep with one eye open tonight because I'm afraid she is going to slit my throat."

"She has no idea anything happened or that you were here." He sighed. "I wish I could come and comfort you. I'm sorry it has to be this way."

I snorted. "Yeah, so am I."

"I'm not sorry it happened."

Now my heart was melting. Even as nervous as I was about the Lucy situation, I wasn't sorry it happened either. If things were different, I could see myself falling for him.

"Jay..." I considered my next words. "Mia's going to ask questions. Questions I can't answer."

"Just tell her you went to Half Barrel for a few drinks with a friend from class. Then you came home."

I shook my head. Knowing this wouldn't fly with Mia. "I'm not 21, so I can't drink in a bar."

"Half Barrel doesn't card. Just stick with it."

"Okay," I said reluctantly. "Who was I with?"

The line was quiet for a moment while he thought. "Who's that girl that sits next to you in class?"

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