Chapter 22: Emily

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"Shit." He jumped up and swung open the bedroom door, rushing into the living room. I scrambled after him, pulling my robe tighter against me. My chest tightened as I couldn't stop shaking as I watched Jay bound down the hall to Lucy's room.

"What the hell?" Mia exclaimed from the couch, where she had sat reading a book. My eyes darted to her, then quickly away. I gripped the front of my robe so tightly, my fingers were starting to go numb.

"LUCY!" Jay pounded on her bedroom door. "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!"

"Emily," Mia hissed. I waved her off, my eyes locked on Jay.

Lucy's door opened and she was all smiles. "Hi, Jay."

"WHAT THE FUCK, LUCY." He reached out and grabbed her arms, turning them over to make sure she was in one piece. When he was satisfied she was he dropped her arms and slumped against the wall opposite her.

"I waited at your place as long as I could. Want to grab lunch?"

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "She's unbelievable."

"Emily, what is this about?" Mia snapped.

"Lucy, you can't send me messages like that." Jay was saying. I sank into the chair, still watching him down the hall.

"Like what?"

Jay shoved his cellphone in her face, running his fingers through his hair with the other hand.

"Oh, that." Lucy giggled. "I was just joking."

"Are you shitting me? Cutting your wrist isn't something to joke about." Jay's face reddened.

Mia covered her mouth and looked over at me. I swallowed hard and shook my head.

"Jay, please stop yelling," Lucy pouted. She placed her hands on his chest and I pressed my lips together and gritted my teeth. I didn't like seeing her touch him. I didn't have to watch it long, because he grabbed her wrist and threw her hands off him.

"I have had it with you." He took a step back, his nostrils flaring. "You had no right to climb in my bed last night."

"But you said I could come over." She tried to reach for him again and he sidestepped. This was torture to watch, but for some reason, I could't pull my eyes away. Mia had gone back to reading her book, or pretending too. I knew she was hanging onto every word.

"For the party. That wasn't an invitation to crawl in my bed."

"I just wanted to spend time with you." she crossed her arms in a pout.

He ran his hands over his face. "Lucy, I'm going to say something and I need you to listen to me."


"Really listen."

She huffed and threw out her arms. "I'm listening."

"And I need you to promise you aren't going to do anything stupid like slit your wrists."

She rolled her eyes. "I told you I was kidding."

"Fine. Here it is. As plain as I can say it."

I was holding my breath. I wasn't sure when I started holding it, but I was starting to sweat and my hands were jittery.

"This thing between you and me, it's over Lucy. I'm not your boyfriend and you're not my girlfriend. I don't know how many more times I can tell you that. I can be your friend but nothing else."

Lucy just stared at him.

"If you feel like you are going to hurt yourself, you need to call someone else. Troy, or Casey, just not me."

"Okay." she shrugged.

"Okay." He let out a breath and his hands fell to his side. "Good." He turned and started back to the living room, his eyes meeting mine, when she called after him.

"But Jay, I want you to hear something too."

He sighed and closed his eyes. He turned back towards her. "What is it, Lucy?"

"You may think this is over between us, but you are wrong."

He placed his hands on his hips. "Lucy..."

"And if I find out you are seeing another girl, it's not going to be my wrist I slit."

The color drained out of my face, as I drew my legs up in the chair.

"I told you this was a bad idea." Mia hissed.

Jay took a couple strides towards Lucy. "You have to stop this shit. That's not how this is going to work."

"Mark my words, Jason, and watch and see." With that she slammed her door.

"Fuck." Jay punched the wall. I gasped and resisted the urge to go to him.

"If you dent that wall you are paying the security deposit," Mia called to him.

"Mia." I shook my head at her. Jay walked back into the living room, blood dripping off his hand.

"Jay." I took his arm and guided him into the kitchen. I turned on the water and shoved his hand under it. His hissed, the cold sting bringing him back to me. He reached out with his other hand and stroked my cheek. I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand.

"I'm sorry." His voice was thick with grief. "I'm sorry I drug you into this mess." My heart pounded so loudly I was sure he could hear it. He pulled me to him and pressed a kiss to my head. Then he pulled away and walked out of the apartment. Leaving me standing in the kitchen with the water running and tears springing to my eyes.

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