Chapter 27: The Reunion

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As I edit this book, I get more and more addicted to the story line and these characters. Y'all I'm telling you, this is much needed. Enjoy your favorite characters and their aftermath🥰


>>>>>October 1st, 2022<<<<<


Lainey had the car all packed up and ready to go. She closed the trunk to their little Subaru. Checking her left wrist at her Apple watch, she looked up at her wedding ring and smiled.

After they paid Lainey's medical bills off over the summer, doing overtime at the diner still. They eventually took over Jess's old bar when the last manager, Lainey's old boss was arrested for drugs. Lainey finally bought Cassidy and Alaina their dream home in Santa Cruz, California.

Lainey headed up the drive way and back into the house. "Come on ladies, the bus is leaving." She cracked her cute mom-joke and grabbed Cassidy's purse so she couldn't forget it.

Cassidy pulled Alaina out from the kitchen as they both snacked on a cheese stick. Lainey smiled at them, she could not believe they had this beautiful life together. She couldn't even believe that she was alive for it all, for that she was extremely grateful. They followed Lainey out and Lainey got Alaina in and buckled her into her booster seat.

"On the road again. You ready for this weekend?" Lainey smirked at Cassidy.

"As ready as I'll ever be, from what you have told me, they sound like a lot." Cassidy chuckled. She didn't even like to be away from home let alone camping, but for Lainey, she would do anything. Including, but not limited to meeting up with Lainey's old friends at their annual camp spot at Burney Falls. It would be the first year they got back to it after getting Jess back and even Chase agreed to come back from Texas for it.

Lainey chuckled and placed her hand Cassidy's thigh, giving it a firm squeeze, "you're going to love them. It's so beautiful there too." She smiled at Alaina in the back seat eating her crackers. So many memories flooded her when she looked at her daughter. Like how anyone could choose drugs and alcohol over their own family, over their own blood. She loved her daughter, although she wasn't blood, she was more than that to Lainey.

Burney was only a good 6 hours away, they planned to meet up at their same campsite, Lainey was excited to see everyone together again. Especially Lexi, she hadn't seen her since the wedding.


Once at the campsite, 4 cars lined the spot where only two were parked the last time. Lainey exited the car and grabbed Alaina first thing before heading to the group of people waiting to say hello. She headed towards the center of the camp with a big smile. Alaina acting shy buried her face in Lainey's shirt.

"Who the fuck are you?" Chase laughed ecstatically before leading first at Lainey. Arms open, he side-hugged her noticing the child in her arms, "oh! Who's this little one?"

"You want to tell him your name?" She asked. Alaina shook her head, but looked up at him.

Lainey understood as she laughed, she didn't like big buff men either. Not to mention Chase now had a beard, Texas really changed a person. Alaina had not seen very many men in her life, having two moms and all.

"Is that Lainey?" Lexi squealed, Lainey looked up at her as she made her way over with Jess. She wore a sleek green bikini and Lainey couldn't help herself but stare. She looked so fit, still working in the San Fransisco fashion district, she spent most of her days working out and strutting runways.

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