Chapter 5

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Here is the only P.O.V of Keith because the story would've been hard to explain without it lol.




Soon on the plane, Keith sat down in his seat, ear buds shoved into his ears. He sighed in relief, thankful he never had to sit economy ever again. First class was so much less stressful, his own little portal away from everything.

People passed him with children and exhausted faces, looking stressed and out of it. Some women even wore beautiful pāreus. The flight attendants went around, making sure everyone was wearing their belts and that each and every compartment was shut and locked closed. Bora Bora here he came.

His phone rang and he picked it up instantly. "Hey Mama." He smiled cheekily. He was such a momma's boy, that was obvious, but his dad was the one who showed him everything he knew in their "family business."

"Hey baby. I was calling to check up on you, how are you?" He could hear her smile from the other side of the phone. He felt bad, he usually didn't call his mom and he definitely needed to call her more. He also hasn't seen her for about two years now, he knew his mom missed him, and he was starting to miss her as well.

"I'm fine! In a first-class flight on my way to New York." He lied as he flagged down the flight attendent with a handsome grin. He pointed to the whiskey on his drink menu whilst on the phone.

The flight attendent's smile turned into confusion as to if Kieth was on the correct flight. Keith gave her a smirk and a wink and she went to retrieve his drink order.

"That's wonderful honey, were so proud of you. When are you going to come and visit me?" She asked, sounding sad on the other side. Keith was the youngest of 3 and he was the last to leave, leaving his mom to experience empty nest syndrome. Not even a husband barely around to keep her company.

"I'm not sure Mama." He said, pulling his table down for the attendent with his whiskey, waiting patiently, or at least trying to. The flight attendent fidgeted with her other hand.

"How's Danny doing?" He asked. He at least wanted to go visit his mom with Cassidy so he could propose to her.

"Danny is doing well, he's not been writing a lot and he's still down in Peru at the mission, and your father had been away on business of course." She sounded lonely. Keith knew exactly what she meant about his dad being out on business. He chuckled to himself.

"I'm sorry mom, tell you what. I'll visit you with Cassidy this Christmas, I'm sure she will be really happy to get to see you too." He said. The fasten seatbelt sign came on and Keith already sitting in his seat, rushed his mother off the phone as if he weren't sitting down yet. He didn't want her or anyone except his father to know he wasn't on a flight to New York. "I got to go mom; I love you." She responded the same, and he hung the phone up.

"Welcome to your flight to Bora Bora. We hope we satisfy your needs on this flight and the entertainment is endless, so your flight isn't 'boring boring,' Temperatures in bora bora are low 80s with a sunny sky. Our arrival time will be 6pm. We are grateful for your flight today, and we hope you enjoy Tropical Airlines. The intercom cut off and the plane filled with people that were laughing at the corny joke.

He sat back and watched as the flight attendant he had previously winked at went over the safety instructions. He watched her intently all right, might've remembered every motion she made with her arms and her body if that's what he was actually paying attention to. She was blushing and Keith sat there with one leg over the other leg, watching her slightly struggle over the way Keith looked at her. She couldn't take his burning eyes; she was smiling wider than in the beginning and even blushing a bit.

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