Chapter 3

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Enjoy yourselves, but not too much👀 or do😈



Cassidy laid Lainey's cup of coffee on the counter; it would go to waste. She didn't feel so tired after she guzzled her cup. She checked the bedroom, Keith was fast asleep, snoring actually. She shut the door to the bedroom and made her way down the hall and to the couch. She unbuttoned her pants and stripped down to her underwear, pushing her shoes off and onto the floor, pushing the dirty clothes further from her. She flipped the TV on. She sighed exaggeratedly with relief. Being home finally and taking a load off.

She searched for the remote through the couch cushions and eventually found it next to some coins. Cassidy flipped through the channels, nothing she thought was good enough. She flipped it off and sat in silence. As if San Fransisco was ever quiet. A train bustled through the neighborhood past their apartment and a couple of college girls laughed obnoxiously walking on the sidewalk from the nightclub having a raging party, and the couple across the way we're going at it again.

She sighed. Okay maybe it wasn't so quiet. Early winter's cold breeze coming through the open window. Cassidy got up to close it, looking over San Francisco in the process. How lucky was she, meeting Keith at a bar was the best thing that ever happened to her. He took care of her, told her to quit her job and run away with him to Paris. If she were any younger and impulsive, she probably would. I mean, what was here worth staying for? No family, hardly any friends. She rubbed her arms; the apartment was pretty chilly with the window left open. Her nipples stung and she shivered crossing her arms over them.

The only thing in California for her was her father, but he was gone now. She watched as people walked on the sidewalk below and as the cars drove over the Golden Gate Bridge way off in the distance. She had remembered most of San Francisco from their apartment that even in the dark she could see her favorite diner down the road. She turned and headed back to the couch, bored out of her mind.

Cassidy plopped down on the couch and sighed, now the silence was deafening. She threw her head back with the last of the sigh, she was bored but not ready to go to bed and then looked back up in thought. She smiled slightly and bit her lip. She swatted away the idea in disgust and reached for the Bible that sat on the coffee table. Cassidy and Keith had a strong catholic background coming from families that attended mass regularly. She opened it up where the bookmark held the place of and began reading it. There must have been at least four bibles around the apartment. One in each side table, one in the living room and another in the guest room. It was just so traditional to have one everywhere. And if she didn't have enough, her mother was sure to ship another. Cassidy tapped her foot nervously against the wood flooring and bit at her finger nails. The Bible bounced in her lap as she attempted to read it, but it didn't last long before she replaced the book mark and placed it back on the table. She had read a page or two before then.

She slowly, still debating it, slipped her hand in her panties and began playing with herself. Still wet as she expected. Her thinking elsewhere, this was so wrong. She had been thinking about it since the moment she left the diner. Like an impulsive thought stuck in her head. Like what if I just turn this steering wheel over the side of the bridge and off into the ocean? Or maybe you should quit your job and run away to Paris. Or the "new girl next door trope," that stubborn mysterious dominant feeling energy. Swarmed her, consumed her like a warmth between her thighs. So unreal, nothing she had ever felt for anyone except Keith. But this was different, this was red hot sin and she wanted this fire, warmth. She rubbed harder as she imagined that mischievous grin and hard staring eyes at her ass as she wiped down the tables and counter top, she could tell Lainey was staring, she did it just for her to stare. Cassidy didn't think she was gay... just that she loved it when anyone drooled over her or payed her any attention. Especially someone as nonchalant about it as she is.

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