Chapter 7

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Howdy lovelies! I still want to thank every single person reading for their support, please if you're enjoying, don't forget to vote comment or/and follow, I ALWAYS FOLLOW BACK!

Anywaysssss, go on... enjoy🥴😘



The days following Keith's death felt endless for both Lainey and Cassidy. Night after night the phone at work would ring and someone would call in for their closing shift. That someone was Cassidy. Lainey started to miss her, almost desperate for her to come in to work. It had been a whole week since she last seen Cassidy. She never ordered any food from Mickey's diner and never came into work. Lainey  just wanted to know if she was okay. She got her number from the board of managers in training in the back. She sent her a message about being there to talk and she could message her anytime any day and Lainey would message back ASAP, but Cassidy read it and never messaged back.

Lainey passed around some menus to a table at Mickey's diner. She gave a genuine smile and took drink orders, going to the back to start on them.

"Hey Mickey, do you think before I end my shift in an hour, we could cook up something special for Cassidy?" Lainey said, filling a cup with ice and then sprite.

"You really got involved with her, didn't you, Lainey?" Mickey laughed and shook his head in disappointment. "I told you to stay away."

"I'm just worried for her, she's been up there for a week, I'm worried she's not eating or taking care of herself, I can't be at least just a little worried?" Lainey shook her head, she did get involved, but only slightly. Lainey knew Mickey was right, but why couldn't she just be worried for Cassidy?

"I suppose we could do that. Lord only knows what that poor child is going through now. Would you take it to her after your shift?" Mickey asked her and Lainey filled a platter of drinks for her table, shaking her head yes. "Of course you would." Mickey laughed again as Lainey made her way out of the kitchen and she could see the eye roll from behind his head, she laughed too.

After work, Lainey skated down the road and to Cassidy's apartment. She hit the buzzer outside and buzzed Cassidy's apartment. There was no answer after a few minutes, so Lainey buzzed it again and again. She was getting antsy when there was finally an answer on the other side.

"Who's this?" Cassidy replied to the buzzer. She sounded stuffy and completely miserable.

"It's Lainey. Let me come up." Lainey smiled as if Cassidy could see her, but they both knew they couldn't see each other.

"I'm not in the mood for any company, goodbye Lainey." Cassidy said after a long pause, not unlocking the door.

"Look. It's almost been two weeks. I know you're hurt, I know you want to be alone and cope with this, but sometimes it's best to be with friends in a time like this. Just let me come up... I have comfort food." Lainey quickly added at the end. "If you don't buzz me in, I'll find a way to get up there and then you'll have to answer your door. So why don't you make it easier on both of us and open up. Your food is getting cold."

For what felt like forever, there was a silence and then the sound of a buzzer back into the intercom and the doors unlocked. She could tell by the deafening silence afterwards, that Lainey was right, and Cassidy knew that, but she didn't want to admit it. Lainey immediately sighed with relief, she didn't want to have to sneak in again.

Lainey smiled softly and a bit proud of herself. She opened the front doors and headed to the elevator, where once again, she looked a hot mess in the metallic reflection of the elevator doors. She pushed her fly-away hairs back towards her bun, hoping that would make her hair look less crazy, but it didn't. The doors opened and she headed down the hall with the bag of food. She stopped at the door, gaining her composure, pushing her hair back again as she knocked on Cassidy's door.

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