06. first day of classes, also, yang jeongin?

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"Minho hyung! Your alarm's going off. Wake up." Minho woke up, on his first day of college, to a wet-haired Hyunjin crouching in front of him, which was uncomfortable, because Minho hated people being near his bed, watching him wake up.

Hyunjin would've reached out to shake him but he feared getting his wrist snapped. He was one of the only ones that had witnessed Minho's violent streak when it came to being touched (which he wouldn't have known was especially terrible directly after waking up).

Hyunjin had been traumatized in high school. A several-years-younger Lee Minho had kicked him very hard in the nuts, all because of one little hug that was supposed to be a joke. Ever since, he'd kept his whole body a safe distance from him at all times, because whenever he was close enough to touch him, he remembered the feeling of Minho's heel hitting hard between his legs, and the thought of that happening again made him shiver, like hearing styrofoam rub together.

In the back of his mind, Minho had always held a little trace of a grudge against Hyunjin, because as soon as the boy had learned Minho didn't like to be touched, he teased him, and every time he saw him, he would reach out toward him, pretending to hug him, up until the day that he actually did hug him and regretted it immediately after. Since that day, Hyunjin had been much nicer in general and hadn't teased him about it (or anything else, really) since. Not once.

Minho woke with mixed feelings. Waking up was just generally irritating, but today it was nerve-wracking and maybe a little bit exciting, too, but he did his very best to keep a lid on those things and look as unbothered as his roommate.

Grumbling softly to himself in sleepiness, Minho pulled himself off the mattress and cracked his sore back, while Hyunjin watched in concern, even though he'd done something similar when he woke up, too. Minho was right when he assumed he wouldn't be able to sleep well. Instead, for most of the night he got to listen to Hyunjin sleep-talking. Hopefully it wouldn't mess with him that much. He didn't have time to space out and continue worrying about it, so he promptly rubbed his face and started moving.

The sound of Hyunjin's hairdryer was Minho's background music as he dug his toothbrush out, along with shampoo and soap, and a new set of clothes.

That day, Minho learned, college showers were not his favorite, and he really needed to buy a pair of flip flops. He kept his eyes trained on the curtain that covered his stall as he washed his hair, not trusting it to stay shut. It was so weird to hear other people in the room, taking their showers at the same time. After drying himself and putting on his clean clothes, he squeezed out his damp hair, split it down the middle, and dried it most of the way with one of the cheap hairdryers connected to the bathroom wall.

When he went back to his room and collected his backpack, he and Hyunjin walked down to the cafeteria together for breakfast. Just the two of them sat at the same large table as yesterday, with their pancake-filled plates, waiting for the surrounding seats to fill as groggy boys wandered downstairs for food. Chan looked just as dead as he did every morning in high school. He went straight for the coffee, in typical Bang Chan fashion, while Changbin was piling a stack of pancakes up to his chest. Seriously, it was at least seven pancakes. But, he would share with Chan; both were just about addicted to blueberry pancakes.

Jisung and Felix arrived, out of breath, because they both woke up late and ran all the way downstairs to make it in time, and they were both giggling messes while they got into line and received their pancakes. They seemed to be getting quite friendly with each other already.

When Seungmin showed, he looked like he had a rough night. He stumbled more than walked, and he went on, rubbing his eyes instead of looking where he was going.

Chan had been laughing along with most of the table, until he perceived danger and called out, "Seungmin, watch where you're-"

Seungmin smacked directly into someone else who was standing, facing the other direction, looking for somewhere to sit, probably.

"Shi-" Seungmin began to shout a curse, but he was cut off by that someone violently flinching and whipping his head around to see who just collided with him and yelled in his ear.

There stood the cutest boy Seungmin had probably ever seen, wearing the shocked expression of a deer caught in headlights, with a lollipop between his lips. Suddenly, Seungmin looked wide awake. "Dude, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Oh, no, it's okay.. I was just standing there-I guess I was just... just in the.. wrong place at the wrong time," Cute boy replied, with a breathy chuckle, speech distorted by the candy. He looked so nervous.

Seungmin tilted his head a little, and waited a moment to say something more. "Actually, maybe you were in the right place." He paused. "You're really cute. Come sit here."

The table full of boys watching this encounter had mixed reactions: half cheered Seungmin's bold flirting on, half booed and called him cringe. Someone shouted "gay". Might've been Jisung.

The boy chuckled nervously and scratched at his neck. "Thanks?" Cute Boy was all but dragged to the table of high school idiots. Maybe somehow, Minho felt a little connection to him, watching him be led across the room to join the group, a loner no more, partly by force and mostly not of his own will. But the slightest sign of a smile on his face was evidence enough that he didn't mind it.

Cute Boy sat tentatively at the end of the table, following Seungmin. Everyone seated at the table was strangely silent and staring either at Seungmin or at the newcomer.

Cute Boy tilted his head down and started on his breakfast, and seemed to blend into the background as the rest started chattering again.

After breakfast, Seungmin was dragging Cute Boy around, having determined that they had their first class together, Seungmin asked for Cute Boy to sit next to him. Minho watched Seungmin enter the lecture hall and find a seat that suited him.

"Hey, cutie, come sit." And Cute Boy complied, laughing a little, blushing a little, too.

"I do have a name, Seungmin hyung."

Minho caught the way Seungmin seemed to glow when the boy called him that.

"You're sure it's not cutie?"

"It's Yang Jeongin."

This whole scenario, was entertaining and amusing enough to help Minho's nerves die down. His first class went smoothly, as did the next, and pretty much all of them.



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did anyone think i forgot jeongin?? lol if you did, don't worry he's actually my bias i could never forget about him

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