Chapter 10

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You finally focused on who it was.


She was always there for you, even at the worse of times.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Where am I?"

"You're at my house. I called your grandparent's telephone asking if it was okay for you to stay here for the night, saying it was a "sleepover." She said, sitting on the bed with you as she gave you some Advil and water for the pain. She knew exactly what you were going through.

"Steve took us here with your car if that was okay. Weirdly he was the only one sober last night? You were so out of it that you could barely walk. He carried you all the way up here!" she said, laughing at the fact that you were so drunk that somebody had to carry you as you drank the pill.

"That's embarrassing." You said, setting the cup down by the nightstand, holding back a smile.

" was kinda cute." She smiled, remembering the instance. However, the memories she replayed slowly made her eyes darken. The smile slowly faded.

Seeing Steve carrying you made her jealous.

"I should get home." You finally said.

"I don't think you'll have much time..." she said, glancing at her watch.

It was a school day.

Why did the party have to be on a school day?

"Shit, you're right." you realized. You got up from the bed, still in yesterday's clothes, to grab your jacket.

"I have nothing to wear..." you said.

"Don't worry. I'll find something! I'll meet you downstairs, okay." she finally said, about to shut the door.

"Oh, and you're driving us."

You sighed and agreed to her plan.

I can't believe I did this to myself.

Nancy gave you a t-shirt with some kittens on it as what you wore wasn't school "appropriate."

You got changed and met her downstairs as you started to feel the Advil slowly starting to kick in. The house looked exactly how you remembered it.

"Good morning!" Mrs. Wheeler greeted you in the kitchen as you walked down the stairs.

"Oh my gosh! You are so beautiful," she said as she ran up to you, hugging you. You hadn't seen her in years, and she looked so different.

"How have you been?" she asked, grasping your shoulders concerningly. She must have heard the news of your current situation.

"As good as I can be," you reassured her with a weak smile.

"Okay. Come and join us then," she suggested as she led you to the table where Nancy was already sitting. You sat next to her as Mrs. Wheeler gave you a plate.

"Oh shit," you mumbled.

Nancy changed her glance over to you.

"What's wrong?" she said.

"I forgot to take my meds,"

You haven't gone a day without taking them, so you were afraid of what would happen if you didn't.

"Do you need them now?" she asked.

"I don't know. I've never gone a day without them."

"Girls! You're going to be late!"

You guys finished your breakfast and headed out.

"Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler," you said.

"It's nice seeing you again y/n!"

Nancy closed the door as you both walked to your car and drove to school.

"I'll see you later?" She asked. You both stood outside of school, about to go your separate ways.

"Yeah! Thank you, Nance, for taking care of me," you said.

"I'll be there if you need me," she said as she walked to her classes.

You managed to walk to Homeroom without casualties and noticed Robin in her usual spot.

"Hey Robin!" you said as you sat in Homeroom with her.

"Hey! How are you feeling? You know, from getting blackout drunk last night," she said as her face filled with excitement while saying that sentence.

You silenced her before she could finish.

"I'm fine." you finally said, examining around as more students started to walk in.

The school day went past like no other. You managed to get a couple of chats with Robin and Nancy throughout the day.

You even caught Steve in your path.

This is embarrassing.

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