Chapter 19

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It was getting late and the mall was about to close.

"We should probably get you guys home?" Robin asked.

"Yeah probably." Dustin sighed in sadness.

Steve wrapped his arm around his shoulders to confront him.

They took you home.

"Call me okay!" Robin yelled as you walked towards your front door.

"I will!" You yelled back.

"How was it with your friends?" Your grandmother asked.

"I had fun!" You smiled.

"Aww that's sweet! I'm glad your making friends!"

"I am too." You replied walking off to your room.

You closed the door and you laid your stuff by your bed .

Should I call him?

It's only 8. Would he be home?

You scavenged through your pocket for the piece of paper that Eddie gave you a while back. You picked up the telephone you had in your room. It was one of those telephones you had to spin the dial to dial the numbers.

It went through...

But nobody was picking up.

Huh? He's probably busy.

I guess I'll leave a message.

"Hi eddie. This is...y/n. Uh call me back. When you can. Bye." You said.

God that was awkward.

Now all you could do was wait. You didn't want to keep calling his number and seem as impatient and weird.

An hour has passed, and still nothing.

I have a bad feeling about this.

The next day you called Robin like you promised.

She did answer but she said she would be working at the Family Video store today. Supposedly it was one of the busiests days, so her and Steve got called in.

You thought to try Nancys home phone.


"Hi Mrs. Wheeler! Is Nancy home?" You asked.

"No. She's busy with some reporter things. I can tell her you called?"

"Yeah. Thank you Mrs Wheeler!" You said.

"No problem sweetie."

Nancy was busy too.

I guess I'll just chill at home then.

You decided to stay at home for the day. Besides, staying in, in the comforts of your room, doesn't seem like a bad idea anyways.

"Honey, have you taken your meds this morning?"

"Yes I did. Thanks for reminding me"

You did what any teenager would do when they had nothing else to do. You played your favorite pieces of music, read a little, finished on some homework, and watched tv. You were watching some random tv show on the television as you read a magazine. Somehow having something in the background looking at beautiful woman was entertaining.

"Hunny!" Your grandmother called you.

You turned to see your grandmother on the phone, that somehow you didn't hear ring, pointing at the tv.

"Change it to channel 9!" She commanded.

You, looking at her confused, went up to the tv and changed the channel.

"Grief, shock, dispalief, anger. Everyone wants to know the same thing. How can so many tragedies befall a once-peafull town?" Said the reporter.

"What's going on?" You questioned to your grandmother who was now sitting on the couch where you were.

"What I've been told is that a cheerleader form Hawkins High, about your age, was killed." She told you. Worry grew on her face as her eyes were glued on the tv screen.

She clicked her tounge.

"Poor soul. Her family must be devistated." She said as she got up.

You watched her as she went back into the kitchen.

Your eyes went back to the television.

"Who would do such a thing?" You questioned.

"Who ever killed that girl is a demon sent here to torture us!" Your grandfather stormed in slamming down his book on the table making you both jump.

You looked at the tv to see people surround the crime seen as the reporter signed off.

Hawkins is not safe anymore.

Some time passed by and you were still thinking about that girl that died just a couple streets down away from you.

What if that happens to me? What if someone breaks into my home and...

You shoved the thought right out of your mind. You can't be thinking like that. That's why you have to be careful.

The door rang.

You got up and opened the door.


"Y/n! We need your help!"

It was Dustin and he was scared and pissed. A girl, with red hair, stood beside him.

"Why?! What's wrong!" You asked. You were worried now. With everything you heard what was going on in the town recently, you didn't know what to expect.

"It's Eddie and I think he's in danger!"

"It's Eddie and I think he's in danger!"

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