Chapter 33

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Later that day all you could think about was him. How you both planned for so many things to do together.

He was going to teach me guitar.

Eddie was buried in the woods in the Uside Down. And you did it all your self.

Dirt embedded into your skin and hair. Blood covered your clothing.

You were now in the real world, sitting in the very couch that you sat on before.

"Hey." Steve spoke.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't answer that, I know your not." He changed his mind. As he sat there next to you.

"Will this feeling ever go away." You asked tears coming out of your blood shot eyes.

He looked at you.

"I don't think so." He replied honestly.

You sat there staring at the wall across from you.

The sun rose and sat again and you stayed in the same spot.

"Will she be okay?" Nancy asked Steve.

"I'm not sure. I'm going to keep watch." he said.

"Take care of her Steve." Nancy said as she planted a soft kiss on him.

"Of course."

He tried multiple times to convince you to leave the trailer, but you refused.

"Here." Steve said as he gave you a sandwich on a plate.

The second time you looked at something else.


"I'm not hungry." You responded weakly.

"You need something y/n,"

You didn't give him a response.

Him now frustrated, brushing his hands through his hair, thinking of something to do, grabbed his jacket and car keys.

"Don't go anywhere." He commanded and left the trailer.

Like I have a place to go to.

You couldn't go home at this moment because of several factors.

One, if Vecna was telling you the truth that means the government is probably looking for you. Two, how could you explain this to your family. It's better off them thinking your missing. Three, you couldn't bare to live a normal life and pretend like nothing happened.

The moon now replaced the sun as it was no longer twighlight.

You heard a knock at the door as they let themselves in.


It was Max and she was with Lucas. Max signaled Lucas to stay in the kitchen.

The third time you moved.

"Max." You spoke.

She slowly approached you and sat herself down. She was hesitant to say something but she finally did.

"I just wanted to say, I know how you are feeling right now. I lost my brother a year ago and I'm still not right. Yet, this feeling, this feeling of guilt and sadness will only eat you alive."

"So I'm supposed to pretend like it never happened." You bounced back. You felt your throat start to fight back with your words.

"Eddie wouldn't want you to be here. He would want you to live your life...happy." She retaliated.

She's right. Eddie wouldn't want me to morn him like this...

You looked down at your hands. They were still covered with his blood.

"And we need you y/n. We need your help. Hawkins gone to shit and your family's posting missing person signs." She said.

"I-I loved him Max..." you started to say, letting the tears unfold.

"Why is this world so cruel." You said buring your face in your hands.

Vecna's logic is starting to make sense.

There was nothing anybody could do with your pain.

Max left when Steve eventually came back. His arms full of things, like clothing, water, food, and beer.

He was prepared for a long night.

"Here." Steve spoke, patting your shoulder with a full opened beer bottle.

You took the beer bottle and drank it.

You heard Steve sigh as he popped another one open and left it in front of you.

Then opening one for himself.

With your mind numbing a little you finally looked around at the place. The hole in the ceiling was covered with a sheet and police tape still covered the place. You noticed that Steve had made himself a bed right across from you on the couch.

"Steve!" You spoke, getting his immediate attention.

"Thank you...for staying with me" You said then you finished the last of the beer to grab the next one.

"Yeah. No problem." He said as he started to drink from his.

You guys talked about hanging out but you never imagined it would look like this.

This was going to be a long night.

After finally opening yourself to talk, Steve just layed there, listening, not saying a word. You expressed your feelings you had about Eddie. The things you were dealing with. Eventually, with all the talking, you fell asleep. It was nice not thinking for awhile. The warm feeling of the alcohol was so soothing, you felt comforted.


But the comfortness didn't last long as you tossed and turned during the whole night.

Dreams of the Upside Down.

Dreams about Henry. One.

Dreams about Eddie.

A demonic voice came over you.


A hand popped out of the ground and grabbed the dirts it was buried in, pulling itself up.

"Find her." The demonic voice said again as the figure turned around.



You screamed and woke up as you felt your entire body drenched in sweat. Breathing heavy. You grabbed your chest because your heart wasn't calming down.

Steve shot up, startled from the guttural scream that came out of you.

"What's wrong!?" He said still half asleep.

"Eddie. I saw Eddie." You panted.

"He's alive."


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