Chapter 43

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"MY DOOR!" Robin yelled.

"Oops, my bad." The girl apologized.

"Kali!" Eleven smiled ecstatically and ran up to her for a hug.

"You know this chick?" Steve asked Eleven and pointed at the girl. Kali.

Eleven didn't answer his assumption.

Kali looked much older than Eleven. Maybe a little older than you.

"I'm Kali! Eleven's sister." She explained.

Dustin and Lucas's heads tilted out of confusion.

"Not biological knuckleheads!" She said, looking at the two goofballs that took it too seriously.

More people followed in. And Robin panicked even more.

"My parents are going to kill me," Robin whined under her breath.

Kali's gaze was especially on you. Deep inside, you felt she knew who you were.

"Why are you here?" Eleven asked.

"Henry Creel. One. I know what he's doing. And I'm not having it with his shit." She started to say.

"He's been sending monsters to our door, likes it's the holidays or something'." The guy with an Afro of spikes spoke as an axe sat on his shoulder.

"Sucks on him because we killed those suckers!" A girl with wild messy hair added as the two clasped their hands together in their victory.

Kali still didn't take her eyes off you. And it started to freak you out.

"Are you going to help us?" You asked her. Keeping your gaze locked with hers.

"Of course. That's why we're here, right?" She said as she reached her hands out, showing her group.

They all looked like society had disowned them. Life disliked them, which made them stronger.

I like them.

"To kill this son of a bitch!" She smiled with thrill in her eyes, and her gang cheered her on.

" exactly are you going to do that?" Steve questioned, annoyed.

Kali looked at him. Her eyes were fixed on him. Steve started to get uncomfortable. He probably wished he hadn't said anything. Suddenly, his eyes broadened.

"Woah! Woah! Hey!!" Steve shouted as he looked around frantically. Getting distraught by his surroundings, begging it to stop.

Dustin tried to calm him down, but he was lost in his mind.

He was seeing something.

You looked at Kali, and she was smiling at him.

She's doing it. This is her ability.

"You can make people see things?" You concluded to her, and she looked at you again.

She sliced her glance back to Steve, and he went back to normal.

"What the hell was that!!!" He cried.

"I can make people see whatever I want them to see. That's how I escaped. That's how I survived." She told everyone and revealed the tattoo on her wrist.


"How did you escape?"

Everyone's gazes are fixed on you.

Kali had it all figured out. By the looks of it, a sister can spot another sister.

"Scientists." You told her.

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