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As they all start to walk down the hallway Thomas says
"Alright lads this is an respectable event we will all behave accordingly, no weapons and no drinking. John, we will stay together when the horse comes out I will do the bidding. I've already registered my interest with the auctioneer so he will except my bids." He says as they all walk up the stairs Curly walks next to Tommy saying
"Do I get to run a hand over her, Tommy?" Tommy drops his cigarette saying
"No, we have a vets report on her Curly but keep a eye on her when she walks." Curly nods his head saying
"It's just that I have a feeling Tommy, something's not right." Tommy tries to reassure the man
"It's alright Curly your just in a unfamiliar place, we all are." He says everyone making it onto the balcony over the showing of the horses

Evelyn grabs her cigarette pack out of her coat pocket scanning people's faces seeing a woman in a black coat looking at her well really scanning over the whole group. Evelyn shrugs it off and lights her cigarette taking a inhale of it Charlie nudges Thomas
"Alright Tommy this is her." He says seeing the Gray horse start to do a walk around the auction Tommy nods his head towards the auctioneer.
"Do I hear  900 guineas!" The man yells Evelyn seeing the woman across the balcony's interest peak she talks to a man him raising his hand for a bid against the horse Thomas noticing this.
"Do I hear one thousand two hundred!" The man yelling Thomas looking towards the woman and nodding his head. Evelyn watches this silent war between the two go on for quite awhile
"Thomas we can't keep going your gonna have to let her go." Charlie says Thomas not backing down and bidding again the woman looks towards Thomas and finally stops bidding the horse being sold to him.
"Sold to?" Thomas yells with power
"Thomas Shelby." Evelyn Snickers
"Well wasn't that a show." Dropping her cigarette and crushing it under her heel.
"Who is that woman?" She asks looking at the group everyone shrugging and shaking their heads
"No idea." Everyone collectively says Evelyn nodding and following the group.

As Thomas walks out of the room figuring out the placement of the horse information Evelyn didn't really care for the woman in the black coat comes towards the two.
"You beat us to it." She says a few steps away from the two
"Did I?" Thomas asks walking up to the woman
"I was trying to get a filly for my stud." Thomas shrugs
"Sorry?" She looks him over
"Thomas Shelby from where?" She asks Thomas does a intake of air licking his lips
"From Birmingham." The woman does a quiet gaps
"Goodness." Evelyn almost laughs at how ridiculous this woman sounds
"And you must be ma'am?" Evelyn asks looking down at the girl
"May Carlton. I breed racehorses and train them, what is it you both do?" She asks looking between the pair
"I rarely answer questions is what I do." Thomas says
"Tommy, Eve come on hurry up! We've got to go!" Arthur yells at the pair their heads turning John snickering
"Well before you go, if you ever decide putting that filly out I'd be interested in having her." May says
"I plan on racing her." Thomas says back
"Do you have a trainer?" May asks
"I know people." Tommy answers flatly
"I know people too." May says handing Thomas a card
"Tommy we've gotta get these two back before dark or Polly will have your balls!" John yells
"She will have 'em!" Arthur adds
"We know different people I would guess." Tommy says putting the card in his coat pocket
"My father knows Mick Hancock, he trained three Ascot winners." May says
"So that was your father?" Tommy says looking around almost seeming bored of the conversation
"Yes. We're joint owners of the stud. He took majority share when my husband was killed." May says
"Tommy we gotta get back to the caravans! The chickens their hungry!" Arthur jokes John holding his stomach bended over laughing
"So will you consider me?" May asks Thomas nods
"I will consider you."

Evelyn nods grabbing a hold of his arm walking down the hall to the others
"Damn can you not swoon a woman for one second!" Evelyn says frowning
"It's the truth Evelyn, rich woman these days want working class cock." Evelyn's face going sour at Arthur's crude comment
"This is why I can't stand men, can we get finished so I can get back home." Evelyn says letting go of Thomas when they reach the Auction floor Curly coming up next to Tommy
"Maybe she was the bad I was sensing." He says John yelling from the back
"Ah, she looks alright to me Curly." Evelyn getting a few steps ahead of the group seeing a man sitting at a desk in a hat in the background she hears
"All their men are dead you see, all the officers shot." Arthur says John adding
"Yeah, by us!" Evelyn looks at the man suspiciously holding onto her gun in the pocket of her coat.
"Here, Michael you drive." Thomas says throwing him the keys

"Thomas Shelby?" The man at the desk says getting up
"Tommy!" Evelyn says running up and grabbing the man's arm and moving it, it pointing in the sky firing into the air. Just like that all hell breaks loose John fighting the man with the gun, Thomas going to the floor, everyone pulling their guns out Evelyn pointing her gun at a man charging her, her firing the man falling to his knees the blood splattering onto her face almost a deeper shade than her lipstick. As everyone sees there's no more threats in the area they turn around to see Arthur repeatedly punching the man
"Arthur! Arthur!" Everyone yells trying to calm the man
"Get him off him, Arthur!" John yells it taking two people to get Arthur off of him. Thomas walks towards the battered man
"He's still breathing, don't get any blood on the kid!" He yells being cautious he pushes Michael back.

"Michael you didn't see any of this. This didn't happen." Evelyn puts her gun back in her pocket walking towards the group she sees Thomas in conversation with Michael everyone starting to stand up ready to leave. Evelyn runs back towards the bathrooms washing the blood off her face seeing the ruby color run down the drain she looks into the mirror wiping missed spots and running back out towards the others. They all load up the car getting in and driving back to Polly's house Evelyn and Michael get out the car walking up the steps of the house coming in with Evelyn's key. They walk towards the living room seeing Polly drinking on the sofa she stands seeing the two enter a tired Evelyn and a smiling Michael.
"So, how'd it go?" She asks looking between the two
"It was cold in the van, but it was super, really." Michael says happily Polly nods
"Let me smell your breath." She says not smelling any alcohol
"Did they behave themselves?" She asks firmly Michael grabs a hold of her hand
"They were amazing mum." He says Polly looking up at him finally slowly nodding Michael walking out of the room.

"Wow you didn't even say hi to me." Evelyn says pretending to be hurt Polly walking over to her smiling Evelyn grabbing her by the waist and bringing her into a kiss.
"How were you." Polly asks Evelyn still holding on to her
"It was fine I really got to see how it works around here I suppose, but bad part is Michael let everyone know he heard us..." Polly looks at Evelyn laughing
"Why are you laughing this is bad he said we fuck like rabbits I could of lost respect from these men." Evelyn says trying to act mad but laughing in the end
"Well you really are my precious bunny aren't you." Polly coos poking fun at her Evelyn frowning
"Never say that again." Polly laughing more and bringing Evelyn upstairs
"What do you have to do tomorrow?" Polly asks her as they walk down the hall
"Well I have to go to a meeting with Tommy and Mrs. Carlton at the betting shop." Evelyn says as she takes her earrings off and her make up seeing Polly stretch out on the bed.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" She asks back
"Mhm I don't know yet." Polly says snuggling into the pillows Evelyn walking up to the bed getting in next to Polly. Her scooting over into Polly's arms
"Well whatever it is you will do tomorrow you should rest." Evelyn says burying her face into Polly's neck. Polly chuckling at the girl
"Sweet dreams Eve." Polly says Evelyn nodding and dozing off to a dream filled sleep.

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