dried tears

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Some of this talk might be a little graphic (maybe) for some so warning.

Evelyn sucks in a breath, trying to gather all of her thoughts.
"I don't even know where to begin." Evelyn says, looking at Polly
"Maybe tell me more about Martha or time as a spy." Polly says, grasping Evelyn's hands, their dinner long forgotten.
"I told you everything I knew about Martha, so I'll talk about that night." Evelyn says, letting out a shaky breath
"It was around eleven o'clock when the phone rang. I knew I was waiting to hear from Martha she told me she would call to tell me she was safe. They told me that they had lost contact with Martha two hours ago, finding her beat up on our building doorstep. She didn't even look at herself they did all they could not being able to save her." Evelyn says, her eyes welling with tears, her eyes going glossy, closing them out of instinct.

Polly squeezes her hand
"It's ok Evelyn remember you don't have to continue." Polly says Evelyn, nodding them moving to the living room for a more comfortable area.
"I couldn't believe it. Martha was all I had in the regiment she was my family. My world came crushing down on me. I've never cried worse in my life. My father never understood emotion and despised it even." Evelyn says, looking down
"When he found me, he lectured me for hours talking about how sensitive I am and how my emotions are getting the best of me. He always said,'us Wilde's don't cry' he told me that at my worst." Evelyn says, leaning herself into Polly they sit there for a moment, a long silence falling over them. Evelyn chuckles
"Suppose that's why I'm such a wreck every time something happens."

Polly looks down at Evelyn, holding her face in her hands.
"That's horrible Eve, you never deserved that." Polly says Evelyn, grasping one of Polly's hands leaning into her touch. She sighs raising herself off of Polly, starting to unbutton her top.
"I don't think you've ever noticed this." Evelyn says once her top is off. Polly could see a clear scar running down her neck to her shoulder blade. Polly's hand goes out, looking at Evelyn for permission, her nodding in agreement. Polly delicately runs her fingertips over the scar.
"This happened during one of my final cases. They were nice enough not to kill me." Evelyn says sarcasm lacing her voice.

Evelyn strapped to a chair blindfold covering her eyes, her body tired and voice hoarse. She had been in that room for hours, almost felt like days. Her senses heightened, and she hears heavy footsteps walking towards her, her blindfold being ripped off. A man with a sadistic smirk on his face
"So, are you ready to give up the truth, or do I have to take your life instead." He asks a thick accent in his voice. Evelyn just sat there shock, making the words lodge in her throat.
"Stubborn, are we?" He asks, grabbing a knife from a table holding it to her throat.
"You chose the hard way, Evelyn, so tell the truth or pay with your life." He says the knife digging into her throat
"I know nothing, can't you see!" She yells, her vocal chords straining her heart beating in her chest.

"Daddy never told you anything? Nothing ever slipped?" He asks Evelyn, smelling the alcohol on his breath
"Please, I won't tell a soul. Just let me go." Evelyn says tears prickling her eyes. Wilde's don't cry she hears playing over and over in her head. She bites her tongue so hard she tastes the metal coating it.
"This is a waste of my time. I should just end you here." He says Evelyn, yelling, then it all going black.

End of flashback

Evelyn didn't know it, but she was shaking everything in a haze. The only way she came to her senses was when Polly wrapped her in a bear crushing hug.
"You're safe Evelyn your here with me." Polly says, running her fingers through the shaken girls hair
"We can stop for now. You should get some rest." Polly says, standing holding the girl steady, Evelyn nodding to the idea.
"I'm so proud of you, dear." Polly says, kissing Evelyn's temple as they walk up the stairs getting to their room.
"Rest now. I'll be here when you wake up." Polly says, wrapping Evelyn in the cover holding her. When Evelyn woke, she felt refreshed a new feeling in the air. Polly was still holding her as Evelyn buried her head deeper into her chest. The older woman ran her fingers through her hair thinking.

"Ah, you're awake. What would you like to do today? We're free until we have to go to Ada's." Polly says, looking down at the girl
"Mhm, I'd like to just lay here forever, but I know we have to do something productive." Evelyn says, raising off of Polly trapping the older woman between her.
"I'll get breakfast started." Evelyn says, wrapping herself in a robe and walking out of the room. As she walks down the stairs, she hears a voice
"How did you sleep, I missed talking with you last night." Michael's voice being heard talking to someone on the phone.

"Michael, are you on the telephone again? Is it that girl? Your mother won't be happy to hear you're on the telephone at 6 in the morning." Evelyn says Michael, holding the phone out, looking at Evelyn
"Why aren't you asleep the one time you get up early." He says, looking at Evelyn
"The girl can wait." Evelyn says, taking the phone out of his hand
"Yes, dear Michael is very excited to speak with you, but he has things to do he can talk to you in a bit." Evelyn says, dodging Michael as he tries to grab the phone.
"Mhm, thank you for understanding. Say bye, Michael!" Evelyn says, holding the phone to Michael's ear
"Bye." Michael says his voice monotone as Evelyn puts the phone in the receiver.

"Aw, don't be so down Michael you can speak with her in a bit, but work comes first." Evelyn says, parenting the boy
"Doesn't seem like that when you and mum are in the office." Michael mumbles Evelyn hearing him
"Oh ok, that was one time, and I'm sorry your mother was so stressed, I was helping her." Evelyn says, walking into the kitchen to start a breakfast she should have started minutes ago, Polly was already walking down the steps.
"Have you started breakfast?" She asks Evelyn as she steps into the kitchen

"No, sorry love, your son was on the telephone again he's gonna run up that bill if he keeps getting up at the wee hours to talk to her." Evelyn says, starting to make pancakes
"Michael, didn't we make a rule to talk to her at nine, not when people are trying to sleep?" Polly asks Michael, shaking his head, not wanting to entertain the subject anymore.

Hi I'm back from my slumber did you miss me?? Schools just been hectic I procrastinate a lot 😅 I'll try to update more but no promises!(also sorry this may be short!)

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