inspector Campbell

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It's a little sad as you can see I'm following the storyline. :(

Evelyn sits in the chair next to Arthur on the end Billy right next to him listening to Alfie go on and on about Passover. Evelyn looks at her watch going wide eyed
"Arthur how long is this gonna take I really need to get home Polly will have my head." Evelyn whispers
"Eve do you need to go?" Alfie asks looking at the girl

"I uh I really do Alfie I'm sorry." Evelyn says standing and giving her good friend a hug
"Ah no it's fine you go ahead and go back to the wife." Evelyn backing up glaring at Alfie
"Alf you know this she's not my wife." Evelyn says chuckling and walking out she starts to walk down the cobblestone streets the night having a bitter cold too it. A black car drives past her a man tipping his hat to her the man being inspector Campbell going in the same direction as her.

Evelyn gets a weird feeling in her gut she starts to trudge down the sidewalk faster almost ditching her shoes to go into a full sprint when she hears Polly yelling. As she turns the corner she sees a frantic Polly running after Campbell and the other police men. Them having a hold on Michael and restraining Polly away
"No you can't take him away again! Your not taking him away again! You can't take my son away!"

Polly screams in desperation Evelyn running up to the scene in Polly's front yard. A police man pulls Polly back she knees him in the groin the man going down. Evelyn runs police starting to corner her now
"Pol!" They start to grab Evelyn her trying to fight it as best as she can
"What the hell are you doing she did nothing!" Polly says getting held back by two men

"She is illegally selling and importing drugs specifically opium ma'am." A police officer says
"Get the fuck off of me!" Evelyn says thrashing around as hard as she can she sees out of the corner of her eye Campbell having Polly pushed up against the car saying something to her. He finally turns signaling for the other police officers to let Evelyn go.
"Michael don't say shit! Tommy will get you out of this you hear me!" Evelyn says as she falls to the ground her legs giving out from the exhaustion Polly shaking her eyes glazed over picking her up Evelyn's feet dragging they get back into the house in the living room. Polly sits Evelyn on the couch next to her.

Evelyn sits up looking at Polly her arms wrapped around herself and she's shaking
"Oh God Pol I'm so sorry. This shouldn't have happened to you and you listen to me now. I will do everything in my ability to get Michael back he'll I burn this shitty town to the ground if I have to but mark my words you will get your son back." Evelyn says cupping Polly's face tears slipping down she brings Polly's head to her chest holding the shaking women.

"Thomas most likely already knows we'll bring it up at the meeting tomorrow. But as of now you should get some sleep." Evelyn says standing up Polly holding onto her they walk to their room Evelyn getting some pajamas out for Polly and changing her and herself. She gets Polly under the covers and goes in after her Polly snuggling into Evelyn's side her eyes slowly starting to close going into a slumber.

The next morning Evelyn wakes up bright and early slipping out of bed to make Polly breakfast. She makes pancakes cutting some fruit to go with it she starts to plate the food when she hears a floor board creek.
"Good morning dear I made your favorite." Evelyn says turning around and putting the food on the table
Polly smiles giving a somber smile up at the girl.

"When we get too that meeting we're going to come to Tommy with our problem. Even if he already knows." Evelyn mumbles the last part as she gets to the table they eat in silence just ready to go to the meeting. Evelyn collects the plates Polly going up to their room to get ready. Evelyn drys the plates off going to get ready herself. She walks down the stairs a white button up and black pants on she leaves out with Polly going to the betting shop.

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