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As they drive up to the house they get out walking towards the kitchen around the table Lizzie and Esme. Polly propping her legs up Evelyn getting her a rag to cover her face with. The three brothers are in the other room talking Lizzie then walks to the door letting Thomas into the room.
"I heard you were giving speeches off the back of a wagon,Pol." Tommy says
"I can't remember a fucking thing." Polly sighs out
"Well Moss tells me you were threatening to burn down the town hall." Tommy says Evelyn speaking up
"It was all to have a laugh Tommy." She says Thomas almost glaring at her
Polly inching up the rag over her face
"I see I'm still not welcome...." Evelyn says Polly turning to look at her
"Evelyn." She says

"You know actually, the crowd around me was bigger than the crowd around  Jessie Eden." Polly says starting to stand smiling
"Who's Jessie Eden?" Thomas asks 
"She's too soft, your not gonna break the capitalist system talking about separate lavatories for women." Polly says not answering Thomas's question
"Who's Jessie Eden." He asks again Lizzie finally answering
"She's a new best friend." Esme chiming in
"Shop steward at the Lucas factory." Thomas looking at them in knowing
"A woman shop steward, I've heard of her."  Lizzie hands over a leaflet

"There's a leaflet here if you want to take a look,Tommy." Lizzie says Thomas taking the leaflet as he starts to look through it he asks
"So separate lavatories? is that it? Is that what you want?" He asks looking up at them Esme starting to walk around the table
"I don't know what you want. You have to tell me what you want." He says
"Actually we were wanting to know about the robbery your planning. Not the factory robbery the other one." She says as she gets closer to Thomas he looks at her brows furrowed. Lizzie looks back at Evelyn and Polly
"The one your not telling the women about." She says Thomas looking up
"John has a big mouth." He says

looking in the direction of Polly and Evelyn
"No, Arthur's the one with the big mouth. Arthur told Linda and Linda told me." Esme says Thomas looking down
"Polly?" He says
"Read the leaflet,Tommy." Lizzie says
"Ladies, why don't I talk to Tommy privately, and then I'll report back to you faithfully. Evelyn stay." She says
"Your not just gonna take payment from the Russians are you Tommy?" Esme urges on
"Esme?" Lizzie says wanting to calm the woman
"So,what happens after when they come for us? When I'm about to give birth." She asks Thomas looking agitated

"Get out,get back to work." He says
"Esme come on let's go." Lizzie says standing and grabbing Esme
"Keep us posted won't you sister." Esme says Polly nodding Thomas shaking his head
"Fucking hell." He says starting to sit in a chair Polly following suit
"So Arthur told Linda?" He asks
"She's stolen his soul and taken it to a better place. The suburbs." Polly says sitting down
"Where men are honest with their wives." Polly says getting out a cigarette
"We can trust Lizzie." She says lighting it
"Yeah, but I can't trust Esme or..." He says looking up at Evelyn, Evelyn getting the hint

"What is so wrong with me,really?" She asks sitting down next to Polly
"Well first, never heard more about your past, second you've been here for quite an alarming amount of time, and third, well there isn't anymore is there." He says Evelyn's jaw clenching
"As you know during the world war my dad was a Irish spy. Later in 1915 he recruited me to get information. I mean who would see a lively 23 year old girl as a spy." She says looking away from Thomas
"That's not really giving anything specific Evelyn, we still are at the unknown about you your like a big question mark." He says leaning back in his chair.
"I don't know what more I can't tell you. I got trained, went out for my father, got information, been tortured, and now I'm here one of the best opium sellers in the states. Does that give you enough Thomas Shelby?" Evelyn asks getting agitated

"Yes.." he says the room going quiet
"Dear why don't you sit out for this I'll see you back home." Polly says giving Evelyn's hand a reassuring squeeze before Evelyn heads out. As Evelyn walks she's just kind of aimlessly walking around not really going anywhere the cold prickling her cheeks into a rosy red and her fingers feeling numb. She doesn't notice that she walks to the cemetery to a specific grave even.She kneels down over it moving some debris away from it. Once she clearly sees the name it's the name of a old friend
Martha Whitman
May 7, 1888-March 30, 1917

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