chapter eight

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Wrens pov♡

Unpopular opinion.
Math is fun. But only when you understand whats happening. Like if you dont know shit, and are failing. You are gonna hate it. But the happiness you get from getting a problem right, its describable .

Im sitting next to mer who keeps asking me for help, because i already finished everything. When i hear my phone buzz from my pocket.
I take it out and its a message from an unknown number.
I obviously ignore it. But then, this person keeps texting me. So i look.

Unknown- what do you want from McDonalds?

Who are you?-me

Unknown-god birdy. Its jack.

The annoying guy (saved to contacts)

How did you get my number?-me

The annoying guy-i asked around. But besides the point. What do you want?

Nothing. Now stop, im in class-me

"Who are texting?" Mer asks when ignore her questions about math.
"Jack. Do you know how he got my number. Cause i sure as hell didn't give it to him" i start to  interrogate her. Knowing damn well Trevor didn't it to him.
"I dont know what you are talking about" she shrugs and looks away from me "so what did he text you?" She goes fully in obsession mode.
"If i wanted anything from mcdonalds"
"Omg, so you guys are together now?" Her eyes light up.
"Ew, ughhh no. Why would you ask that?"
"Cause that's what boyfriends do. But if you say you aren't together then i'll believe you" she looks back at her notes with a smug smile.
"Block that thought out of your mind. Its not happening. Hes just annoying, and he came over a few times. We are barely friends. And i dont want to recite what happened with Justin. Soo"
"We both know Jacks not like that." She says and shows her notebook in her bag when the bell rings and its time to head to lunch.

When we get to the cafeteria we notice a group of guys with ntpd jackets sitting at our table.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Its fine wren, we'll just sit at another table." She calms me.

Just when we are about to walk past our table someone shouts the one nickname i hate the most.
"BIRDYYY" jack stops me in my tracks.
"What?" I snap at him
"Calm down. And sit" he point to the last two seats at the table. Our table.

I look over at Mer who is looking right back at me. And i can just tell by the way she looks at me that she actually wants to sit with them. I roll my eyes "fine" i mumble.

"Birdy, this is Cole, Alex, Boldly and my younger brother Luke" he tells me and points to every guy at our table.
"Guys, these lovely lady's are Meredith and Wren" he tells the guys.
What is it about hockey players that all of them are like five times more attractive then any other guy. Cause this table is filled with all 10's.

"You are Z's little sister. I didn't know you go here" the guy named Cole says
"Well here i am."
And now im squeezed between jack and mer. Our table is never filled with people. The last time i had a friend group was when i was dating Justin. But all if them were nice to me only because i was dating him.
"Nice to meet you" Mer is being nice to these  guys for some reason.

"Why were you guys at mcdonalds during class?" I ask, when i notice all of them are eating from huge bags. Each.
"We had a free period. Ohh and" jacks says as he try's to find something from his bag of food. "you told me you didn't want anything, but i dont believe you. Sooo" he pulls out huge fry's, a 10 peace, some type of burger and a huge cup. " i got you some fry's, nuggets, McChicken and a root bear." He tells me as i stare at the food.

"Thats wayyyy toooo much food jack i cant even finish half of that" i tell him.
"Its fine, we had morning practice and any food you dont finish, i will. So have at it. And Mer, thanks for actually answering, here is your mcflurry"

Mer doesnt even make eye contact with me as she thanks jack for the food he paid for.
"Thanks. And i'll pay you back later."
"No need" he says and returns to his food.

So i guess we are having mcdonalds for lunch today. Though i think i'll hurl most of the food up later anyway. But...fuck this guy is sweet.
He even thought of mer. Justin never even learned her name, but that was because she hated him, and he knew that very well.
But god, jack is getting to me.
And where even is Trevor?

"Wren, Trevor told us you want to become a  surgeon, how did you think of that?" Boldy asks me and the whole table goes quite.
"Uhh yea, more specifically i want to be a  neuron surgeon. And when i was like eleven i first saw grays anatomy. And i loved Derek, so that's my plan."
Jack snickers beside me. "Dr. McDreamy" he fake coughs.
"You are one of them too. Jack has been scolding us about watching the show. And god, he can never shut up about someone named Addison. Its even funny hearing him simp over her like that" Luke says.

I look over at jack and burst out laughing.
"Understandable. Any time someone called in Addison i knew the episode was gonna be amazing" i say.

"I wont even start about this one" mer says and points the mcflurry spoon at me "the amount of hours I've had to listen about McDreamy. I get it, hes hot, but dear god. From the day she started watching, she always said that she is gonna marry him with a post it. Or somebody with hair like his." She outs me. And now my elbow is digging in her ribs making her fall over.

"Ohh shut up, if you ever met Derek, you all would fall head over heels in love with him, so shut up" i say to the table if guys who are now fully laughing at me.
"The worst part of all that is that jack kind of has his hair, only its lighter" Luke says, and the whole table looks at him confused "what, i live in the same house as him. I know everything about the show."

Fuck, Luke might just be right, because jacks hair does look like Derek's.

Jacks pov♡

The lunch is over and the girls had leave early. So now we are cleaning up our table, when i notice that Wren barely touched any of her food. She finished her root bear. Ate two nuggets and half of her fry's. Didn't even touch her burger.
When she said that she wouldn't be able do finish half of her food i thought she was joking. But maybe she doesn't like burgers.

But i have a feeling there is more to that.

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