chapter nineteen

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Jacks pov♡

So one thing i kind of forgot before i asked Wren to the game, was to ask her brother, my best friend. Trevor.
Im sitting in math and Trevor should walk in here in about 3 minutes.
Now hear me out, i have it all planned out.

So i'll start with asking Trevor if i can take Wren, but then again even if he says no im gonna ask her anyway.
I have a genius plan for that too. So i know Wren doesn't really like to be put in the spot light so what im gonna do is...
I see Trevor waltz in the classroom all smiles  and giggles as he talks to Alex.
He plops down right next to me and dabs me up.
"Dude, why are your palms so damn sweaty?" He asks and wipes the sweat, that transferred from my hand to his, on his sweatpants.
"Sup" is all im able to replay with. Im more nervous the this morning when i asked wren to the game.
"Whats up with you? Why are you all weird and shit?" He asks and turns to face me.
"So, i have to ask you something and you have to promise me you'll let me finish before you speak again. Deal?" I say and run my hands down my pants to get rid of even more sweat. God im nervous.

"Is everything okay?" He looks concerned.
"Just promise me"

Okay here i go.
"So before i start with what i actually have to say, i want to say you are the best buddy i could have ever asked for. And an amazing hockey player. We both know that the winter formal is in 3 weeks. And i... i have been wanting to say this to you for a while now...i like Wren, your sister. Like, 'like like' her. And i respect you, but i gotta be honest with you here and tell you that i like her, a lot, and i want to take her to the winter formal. So i needed to know that you're cool with that" i say my speech and look over at Trevor. His face expression has not changed a bit.

"You can talk now" i say and get ready to hear if either im gonna take the girl of dreams to the dance or sit in my dark room playing video games that night.

"Dude," Trevor says and a smile spreads across his face "just the reason you just made a full as speech for this is one of the reasons why its totally cool if you take her. And i also kind of knew something was going on"

"Ohh thank god" and then his last sentence sets in "wait what? How?"
"So last week when Wren wasn't coming to school, well, she has a lot of problems right now, personal. And we had to think of something to tell mom so she would call the school. So when i told mom that she was 'having boy problems'" he says and shows air quotes "and she started talking about you out of nowhere. So i just put two and two together. And have totally been able to hear you in her room" he smiles and laughs at his own remark.

"So its all good? I can ask her?"
"give you best shot at it bro" he claps me on my back and the class starts.

Okay, first part of the plan. Done.
And now the actually asking her part comes. And i have the prefect idea for it.

Wrens pov♡

I  have no idea what to do with myself. Jack is picking me up in 15 minutes. Im ready i guess, but god am i nervous.
Cause it seemed different this morning. Yea, well no shit. But like, in the best way possible. After the talk we had not that long ago im scared to think about whats coming. I like him, i do. Do i trust him? Well...not yet. Im getting there but not yet.

But we'll see. Anything can happen, and no way in hell am i getting my hopes up on him. Cause growing up, i always got so attached to guys so quickly. My therapist said its cause i wasn't given enough attention as a child. And i that makes sense. Cause we crave in a relationship what we were deprived of growing up.

And every time i met a guy, he could have asked me 2 questions, and that night i would be thinking about all cute couple things we could do, and guess what, those guys ghosted me after 2 weeks. So... i aint fucking this up.

I get pulled out of my train of thought when jacks car pulls up.
He steps out of his car in his suit. Which by the way is the hottest peace of clothing he has ever worn, besides his hockey gear. Hair all messy, and red cheeks.
"You ready Birdy?" He asks and gives me a smile that is worth billions.
"You know it stud" i smile back and try not to act too embarrassed when i can literally feel my face burn red. Hate when i blush, i look like a fucking tomato.

I get in his car and he immediately hands me his jersey.
"Here, the hughes name fits you better then zegars anyway" he says and just pulls out of the driveway.
Im just left in shock.

When we pull up to the rink, he parks the car. We get out and he says.
"So the game doesn't start for another hour, so you can just go to the family lounge and chill there if you want" he suggests as he picks up his huge hockey bag from his trunk like its nothing.
"Yea, i'll probably do that, wait until mom shows up, or Mer" i smile at him not being able to control my face muscles.

"See ya out there birdy" he winks and runs to the back doors of the rink.

*like  3 hours later*

There are 5 minutes left in the 3rd period and its tied right now. 3:3. And when i tell you that i have not seen a game this intense, i mean it. And i grew up watching the playoffs with my family, so that says a lot.

When out of nowhere jack somehow stole the puck and is now charging towards the goal, the guy has 3 players in front of him. But somehow he literally danced through them. And when i blinked he had scored. The whole rink went crazy, the goal horn went off, and jack got jumped by his teammates.

Damn, the winning goal.
And thank god that's how the 3rd period ended. With a win on our side.

After like 2 minutes the stars of the game went out on the ice.

I see Trevor walk out as the 3rd star of the game, throw a puck to Mer. Next was this really short kid, i think his name was Cole. And here comes the king of the land, or should i say ice, with a puck in his hand.
He skates closer to where i am and not once did he break eye contact. He pointed to me and threw the puck over the glass for me to catch.

But he doesn't skate off just yet. I look down at the puck with a smile so big my face hurt. And what i saw made my heart skip a beat.


With hearts around it. And if i wasn't imagining it, im pretty sure he just asked me to the winter formal.

I looked up from the puck and saw him skating away and nodding his head towards the dressing rooms. Guessing that's where i have to answer his question i jump off my seat and almost run towards it.

When i reach the dressing room door i see him standing there with his head bent down, looking at the floor.

"Jack" i yelled and ran over to him.
He looked up and smiled at me.
"So? What will it be?" He looked at me with hope in his eyes.
"I wouldn't go if it weren't for you" 

I say and he wraps his huge arms round me and spins us around as he yells "SHE SAID YESS. SHE SAID YESS"

In that moment the team ran out and all if them started yelling. What they were yelling, i have no idea. But all i could see are the flowers my brother handed to jack, for jack to give to me.
"I hope you understand the theme is winter wonderland right? You cant be the evil witch" he whispered and gave me the flowers.
"Blah blah blah, who even cares about themes" i laughed.

All i can think about right now is that maybe this one might be it. This boy might be the one who actually does all the cute couple things with me.

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