chapter eleven

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Wrens pov♡

The reason i dont share movies or tv shows or even the smallest things, that mean the world to me, with anyone. Is that i know when they leave my life, it will kill me inside every time i see that specific thing. Like, listening to music becomes difficult, because some songs remind me of them, and i'll end up spending half of my day crying in my room about them.
And i have experienced this feeling more times then i can count. And after my last break up i knew that it was time for, said feeling, to never occur again.
But i guess Jack fucking Hughes was an excuse.

Its been a week since the whole making out disaster. And i cannot look at a pack of twizzlers, or arizonas robbins face without thinking of jack.

And that man has not stopped messaging me. I dont even know how to feel about it.
Did i like the kiss?
Did i regret it?
Is there a possibility that i might miss him?

Hear me out. I'll get over it. But i will admit that i miss when he came over with snacks and just hung out with me rather my brother.
But as i said before, i'll get over it.
And i also knew him for only, what, a week or two.

But my ignoring plans might be fucked with, because my lovely brother, Trevor, is planning a Halloween party is weekend. And, when i tell you everybody is coming, i mean the whole high school.
So that means i might have to face Mr.WayOutOfMyLeague. and im not really excited about it.

Saturday- 1:28pm

"So, im just letting you know, the party starts at 8" Trevor yells from the living room couch as i make my morning coffee.
"Got it boss. Do i have to be a part of it?" I ask him, hoping I'll be able to pass this party, by just locking myself in my room.
"Wreeennn, yea you do. Do you at least have costume?" He asks getting up from the couch heading into the kitchen and jumping on a stool by the island.
"Thinking about being Meg form Hercules. Or Giselle from enchanted, but the animated version" i pour my vanilla coffee creamer in the mug.
"Solid. Im just gonna put on a Crosby jersey and call it a night" he proudly announces.
"Wow, so creative. You sure your buddies wont have the same costume as you?" I mock him.
"Nahh, those guys are actually gonna try for their costumes. Okay just be ready by 7, and im assuming Mer is on her way right now isn't she?" He questions me.
"You already know it" i smile sarcastically, pick up my cup, and head to my room to wait for Mer to show up.

I have a feeling Trevor might have a thing for Mer. I might be wrong. But that man gets really nervous anytime she comes over. Though Mer is completely oblivious to it.
But we'll see, because i already know Mer's costume, and i think Trevor might die when he sees it.

"ARE YOU READY FOR PREGAME?" Mer bursts into my room two hours later with a backpack on her shoulders and a bottle of tequila with a bag of limes in her right hand.
"Ohh wow, you came prepared. And hell yes im ready." I get out of my bed and grab the shot glasses from my closet (dont ask why they are in the closet)

"So you never told me your final plan for the costume" Mer says we walk  into my bathroom.
"Ohh, its gonna be Giselle, my hair isn't dark enough to pull of Meg."
(A/n. This is the Giselle im talking about. Form the movie enchanted)

 Form the movie enchanted)

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