Chapter 3: Movie Star

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The Host Club received a new guest after club hours

She was trim and rather short, with red-blonde hair. Strangely enough, she wasn't wearing the yellow Ouran girl's uniform. The dress that she wore was foreign; Masae didn't recognize it as any school's in the area.

But she wasn't a problem, so Masae was discreet as she watched the strange girl hovering by the door. Even when the third-years came over, she barely looked up from her legal pad.

Honey, who led the charge, said, "Do you know her, Masa-chan?"

That nickname was irritating, but she found it difficult to treat Honey the same way she did Suoh and the Twins– especially when Morinozuka was hovering so close to the table.

"I don't believe I do," she replied. She didn't particularly care about the new visitor to the club– sometimes their reputation preceded them and girls from other schools would show up– but she was acting very strange. Just... watching. "Do you?"

Honey shook his head. "That's why we came over here. Takashi figured that between you and Kyo-chan, you probably know everything about everyone in Japan."

While Masae snuck a quick glance at the ever-stoic Morinozuka, who she doubted had enough words in his lexicon to string together the accused suggestion, Honey was considering the notion with a hand on his chin.

"But she doesn't look all that Japanese though, does she?" He decided eventually. "She looks a little bit European, but not completely– like Tama-chan."

Actually, she did. It wasn't a complete match, but Suoh and this mystery girl had the same sort-of-European look to them. And that dress did look faintly French... Masae was surprised Honey had come up with such an observation on his own, though she tried not to show it. The small noise of agreement she made didn't betray much.

With little more ceremony than he usually possessed, there came the wounded cry of Suoh. Masae couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard him whine, "What do you mean I'm phony?"

"Just what I said!" Yelled a high-pitched voice. The small group turned to see that it was the girl, meek no longer. "I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince of this Host Club. You shouldn't go spreading your love around so easily, you stupid! You must be a dimwitted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner! You disgust me!"

With each word, Suoh grew even smaller; he was atomic.

As Ootori approached, either to resolve the situation or make it worse, the girl's eyes filled with tears. "It's you! Kyoya!" She cried, her demeanor once again changing as she threw herself at him. "Oh how I've longed to meet you! My one and only prince charming!"

Her name was Renge Hoshijuki, a first-year student from France transferring into Ouran's class 1-A immediately, and her declaration set everything into motion very quickly. There was a mad dash for the sofas nearest to the happy couple as the Hosts from around the room gravitated towards the drama.

Apparently they were engaged, which seemed a lot like the move a desperate heiress looking for cash would make, thought Masae. Besides, she didn't think Ootori liked anybody. Unsurprisingly, Masae wasn't the only one surprised by this news.

"Oh, it was a story of love at first sight!" Cooed Renge. For as many questions as the Hosts had– and they had many– she answered each enthusiastically. She was insane as far as Masae could tell, but it was obvious the girl thought she loved Ootori.

"I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers when you thought no one was looking. And when you reached out to that poor sweet injured kitten!"

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