Epilogue 5/7: Tamaki [Romantic]

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[Slow Dance]


"I thought I'd find you in here," Masae remarked, entering the club room. Tamaki was sitting at the grand piano. "It's like you can't even help yourself."

Tamaki turned on the bench to face her, smiling at the very sight of her. "I just wanted to remember what love felt like."

With his words, Masae realized he looked bone-deep exhausted. For not the first time, Masae thought about what he'd given up to stay with the Hosts. But still, he smiled at her. He said, "You look beautiful."

Masae scoffed, looking down at herself. "Hardly." The white dress she wore was little more than a bathrobe; her still-wet hair had been taken down and her makeup removed. She wasn't even wearing shoes. "The Twins are trying to find something else for me to wear. Something perfect." She didn't know why she said it like a promise– like she could be more for him if just given a bit of time.

"You look beautiful," Tamaki reiterated. He patted the spot on the bench next to him. "Sit with me?"

It was hardly a difficult decision. Masae sat next to the boy, letting him envelop her immediately. Tamaki smelled sweet. Not like Honey's confectionaries, nor the strong perfume that Renge wore. Just... sweet.

The urge to rest her head on his shoulder was nigh overwhelming, but Masae resisted. She tapped the piano keys mindlessly: Chopsticks. It seemed to amuse Tamaki.

Still, he was so sad. "I can't believe I almost gave all this up."

"But you didn't," Masae assured him. She looked up at him for a second, just a glance of eye contact so he knew she was sincere. "Nobody blames you. Don't worry– they understand."

"Maybe they should." Tamaki sighed. He sounded so profoundly devastated that Masae could hardly believe he was the same boy who moped when it rained. "Blame me, I mean. I just—"

"Wanted something better." Masae stopped playing her mindless tune, turning on the bench to face Tamaki properly. She looked up at him, her dark eyes meeting his violet. His eyes had always been so beautiful. "Like I said, I understand. And I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier. You're not selfish– you never have been."

The prince brightened, just a fraction, though his smile was still watery. "I don't think I can find much better than this," he admitted. "I know that now."

"The grass is always greener before you've seen it."

"My wise little secretary," Tamaki said affectionately. He caught her jaw between his thumb and forefinger. Masae had always had trouble seeing the appeal of Tamaki as a Host– the words that came from his mouth had never seemed like his own. But now, staring deep into his eyes, she was beginning to understand why girls went mushy-minded at the sight of him.

"Dance with me?" Tamaki asked softly.

Masae was on her feet at an embarrassing speed. As Tamaki chuckled at her eagerness, Masae went red. The problem only worsened when Tamaki pulled her into his embrace.

She had been anticipating a big, dramatic waltz. But as Tamaki started a slow song and swayed with her, Masae realized that this was all she had wanted from him.

"I played for Éclair," Tamaki said, breaking the silence they had wordlessly agreed upon. His voice was tender, even more so than usual. "The piano, I mean. It didn't feel... right."

He went quiet and Masae started to miss his voice. "Not right how?" She prodded gently.

"I didn't love her."

Masae's heart both swelled and drooped; this was the topic she had been unconsciously dreading. She had managed to go nearly an hour without thinking about Éclair. "Oh?"

"Oh, you knew that." Tamaki chuckled gently. He rested his head atop hers, wrapping his arm tighter around her back. They were barely dancing anymore, just swaying in place. His hand was warm where it was splayed across her bare shoulder. "It felt nothing like when I play for... you. Or with you."

Masae squeezed her eyes shut. "Oh, really?" She asked, not liking how tense her voice sounded. Like a scared little girl.

"Really," Tamaki replied, sounding both teasing and incredibly vulnerable. He was a man of contradictions; Masae couldn't understand how he could live like that. Always between two places.

"You love me?" She asked.

"With all my heart," he replied.

"Oh." Masae fit her head into the slope of his neck, not wanting him to see the way her face burned. Her voice was a muffled whisper as she replied, "I love you too."

He gave her a squeeze. Tamaki's arms were cozy, like a warm blanket, and Masae had to resist the urge to sink into them even more. Even though she was practically leaning all her weight on him already.

She managed the nerve to show her face. Masae found him closer than she had expected. Their noses were nearly touching already, but she moved so they were even closer. She could feel his breath. Masae looked up at him, waiting for him to kiss her.

Tamaki smiled a little. "May I?" He asked.

She nodded vehemently, and he bridged the gap.

He was soft, and he smelled like roses. Masae let her eyes slot shut and let him hold her, wondering to herself why she had never thought more about kissing. Why had she denied herself something so wonderful?

Kissing— kissing Tamaki. It felt good. It felt right.

It felt like love.

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