Epilogue 3/7: Haruhi [Romantic]

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[A Simple Box Step]


"Haruhi, do you still not know how to dance?"

Masae's voice was sweet— sweeter than usual— but it still made Haruhi flinch. Evidently, she hadn't been expecting anyone to creep up on her while she roosted on the outskirts of the dance floor.

Her head slowly turned, as if expecting a berating, but her jaw immediately slackened when she caught sight of Masae.

"Senpai!" Haruhi's voice stayed mostly level, a slight raise in pitch betraying her nerves. Of course, Masae saw the way her eyes went wide and her arms went rigid at her sides. She smiled.

Masae did a little twirl, letting the skirt of her scarlet gown flow out. "Do you like it?" She asked Haruhi.

Her question seemed to bring Haruhi back into the room. She smiled brightly. "Yeah, you look really nice, Masae!"

"Thank you, Haruhi. But I'm not letting you avoid the question that easily— do you still not know how to dance after all this time?"

Haruhi glanced down in discomfort, sobering. "It's not that," she said quietly. "I was just waiting for—"

"For the perfect partner?" Masae's lips quirked up. "You'll be waiting for a long time, then. Tamaki's occupied."

"Will you dance with me, Masae?"

Masae was caught off–guard. Her sardonic grin grew into a real, shining smile before she could stop it, and she took the hand Haruhi offered without a second thought. Haruhi led her onto the dance floor.

"You're leading?" Masae asked incredulously when Haruhi's hand came to rest at the small of her back, the other clasping her own. "Do you even know how to lead?"

"Would you just trust me, Senpai?" Haruhi snapped, pouting cutely.

She stepped, and Masae followed. She stepped again, and it became apparent that Haruhi didn't really know how to dance— she was just mimicking what Masae had taught her all those months ago.

Masae grinned. "So all you know is a simple box step, hm?" She asked coyly. "Did you really not pursue dancing lessons any further than what I gave you? What if you had to dance for the Host Club?"

"I did have to dance for the Host Club," Haruhi replied in her no–nonsense way. "And the— what did you call it, the box step? It worked just fine."

"You're not wrong, but there's more to life than a simple box step, you know?"

Without warning, Masae gripped Haruhi's hand tight and spun her out. The Host let out a surprised shriek as she was spun away from her partner, then pulled back in. She came careening back towards Masae, the other girl's chest breaking her impact.

"There's a whole world of spins," Masae continued. "Or we could tango!"

She pulled Haruhi into a tango hold as if she was nothing more than a ragdoll. Forward, right, back, left. The pace she set was harsh and unforgiving, and Haruhi was more dragged along than anything else. But still, she couldn't stop laughing.

Masae was distinctly pleased with herself as she dipped Haruhi so low her back cracked.

"You really should stretch more," said Masae, spinning Haruhi gently. She pulled the Host back so her back was against her chest. Masae's mouth was below Haruhi's ear, and her chin rested on her shoulder. "See? That was the same simple movements as the box step, but wasn't it so much more fun?"

Haruhi snorted. "Something like that."

"Admit you enjoyed it or I'll teach you the Viennese Waltz."

The Host went rigid, audibly gulping. "Uh— yeah— it was great. I really learned a lot."

"Happy to help," Masae said, a smile in her voice. She released Haruhi from her arms, letting the Host turn to face her once again. Her eyes widened in surprise when Haruhi took her hands again, pulling her in the same box step they'd been practicing before.

Masae laughed. "So you really didn't learn anything!" Still, she couldn't find it in her heart to be irritated. Not when Haruhi looked so handsome in her suit, not when she smelled like fresh roses. Not when they were so unbearably close.

"I just like to keep things simple," Haruhi replied with a shrug. Not a bit of guilt to her, straightforward as always. "That's why I think you look a lot prettier in this dress than you did in the big dramatic gown you were wearing earlier. Not that I didn't like that one, but you have a natural beauty that shines through, Masae."

Her heart caught in her throat. Masae's eyes practically glittered as she looked at Haruhi, mouth slightly agape. "You think I'm pretty?"

"You know you're beautiful." Haruhi's tone was slightly chastising. And, yes, Masae did know she was beautiful, but that didn't change the fact that having Haruhi acknowledge it made her palms sweat and her heart thump in her chest. Haruhi would never know how much her opinion mattered to Masae.

"And besides," Haruhi continued, oblivious to the way Masae was looking at her. Like she had hung the moon and stars. "I don't really think any of that external stuff matters. You're pretty, sure, but you're also one of the smartest people I've ever met. And you're kind, too, in your own way. I find the way you protect the Host Club with your whole heart admirable. You're a really loving person, senpai. Even if you don't always show it."

"I love you!" Masae didn't know where her words were coming from. They were torrential, pouring out of her without regard for her dignity. As they swayed, she kept talking, digging herself into an even bigger hole. "From the first moment I met you, I thought you were beautiful. I love how honest you are, and how gentle. I love how you make everyone feel like family. And how you make the people around you brighter without even realizing it. I love you, Haruhi."

It almost hurt to lay herself so bare. But Haruhi didn't leave her alone with her shame for more than a second.

She smiled so wide her eyes shut. "I love you too, Masae," she said.

So simple. She didn't know why she hadn't done it before.

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