Epilogue 1/7: Honey [Platonic]

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[Dancing On Your Feet]


Masae was little more than a whorl of baby pink tulle as she stepped out of the club room's dressing area. She'd changed out of her soaking wet dress, dried her hair, and put on a new face of makeup. Now that the events of the day had come to pass, she felt clean and happy. Very happy.

When she came across Honey standing outside the door of the club room, Masae grabbed his hand and spun him in a circle in lieu of a greeting.

Honey giggled, letting himself be twirled around like a ragdoll. "Masa–chan! You look really pretty!"

"Thank you, Honey! You look absolutely dashing." And he did. At some point, Honey had changed out of his early–morning costume. Wearing the eggshell–colored suit that the Hosts had agreed on matching in, he looked like a very small prince.

His grin sealed the deal. "I'm here to escort you to the courtyard!"

"Because I desperately need the help!" Masae scoffed, but she didn't mean it. If it had been anyone else, maybe, but Honey had always had her best interests at heart.

She leaned down to link arms with him as he giggled good–naturedly. They left the club room behind, entering into Ouran's hallways in mutual silence.

"Y'know, I heard a lot of people saying the party was really fun, Masa–chan," said Honey. "They all really liked the way we decorated the parlor, and the costumes. And you haven't seen the courtyard yet, but that's really pretty too."

Masae's face twisted with embarrassment. "It was mostly Kyoya and Tamaki who decided on the decor. And the Twins did the costuming. I just helped pay for it."

"Ah, you're too humble, Masa–chan! Don't be!" He bumped her legs with her hip, sending them both stumbling to the side. Honey giggled. "You're valuable, Masa–chan! I can't believe that you still don't see it after all this time."

Masae gave him a sideways look. "You're better at seeing value than I am."

They reached the opening to the courtyard. The big double doors at the end of the hallway had been left open and— true to Honey's word— the courtyard glowed. Fairy lights had been hung up on the trees, washing the space in a pale pink light. Guests mingled and milled around the space while an orchestra played hushed music.

Honey giggled. "See? Beautiful."

"Beautiful," Masae agreed breathlessly. Kyoya and Tamaki had planned most of it, sure, but she still found herself smiling at the fruits of her labor.

Honey looked at her awe–struck expression for a moment before growing impatient. "C'mon! Let's dance!" He pulled her away to the dance floor, where a few couples were already swaying gently to the music. The pair of them were an intrusion, but Masae found that she didn't really care. Not when Honey was twirling her around in circles like she was a spinning top and she couldn't stop laughing.

"Alright, alright!" Masae said through a laugh. Honey stopped pulling her and the momentum of Masae's skirt kept spinning. It knocked her off–kilter a bit, and she laughed again.

Honey looked up at her expectantly, his big brown eyes shining. "Can I dance on your feet?" He asked.

Masae barely considered the question before pulling up the hem of her dress for him to step on her feet. She grinned, all teeth.

Honey took her hands in his smaller ones and balanced on the tips of her shoes. She began to sway, and he kept looking up at her like she'd hung up the very stars.

"You seem happy, Masa–chan," he remarked. "It's a good look on you."

"You seem happy," Masae replied. She did a little turn and they both laughed. Honey was light as a feather; she could barely feel his weight through her shoes.

Honey giggled. "I am happy! Seeing you happy makes me happy!"

"Was there ever a moment where you thought I wouldn't be able to do it?" Masae asked, sobering slightly. She tried to keep her tone light, but it was a thought that had been gnawing at her for quite a while. "Be happy, I mean. Or were you ever scared that I was just going to— wither away?"

"Never." Honey's voice was strong, resolute. It quelled Masae's thoughts almost instantly. "This joy was always inside you, you just had a hard time and it went away for a while."

Masae managed a watery smile. "Thank you. You were the first to see what was inside. You've always believed in me— even when I couldn't understand why you would bother."

"Like I said, it was easy. Now I have a question for you!" He grinned his mega–watt grin. "Is there someone else you'd rather be dancing with tonight, Masa–chan?"

There was. The face came to her mind easily, and Masae's cheeks grew warm with the suddenness that she had thought of them. Was she really that far gone? "There is," she managed to say.

"I thought so! You don't have to tell me– but I have someone who I really hope it is." He didn't elaborate any further on that point, which was probably for the best. Masae wasn't sure her poor heart could handle any more talk of romance. "I can let you go if you want to. I bet your special person is probably looking for you pretty hard right now."

"No!" Masae's insistence was firm and immediate, and she smiled self-effacingly. Realizing she had gripped his hands very suddenly, she relaxed her fingers. "I mean, it's alright. There's still a long night ahead of us, and I'd like to dance with my friend."

Honey smiled. "Thanks, Masa–chan! I wanna dance with you too!"

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