Chapter 11: A Trip to the World of the Commoners

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Masae would have wagered that she woke up earlier on the weekends than Suoh. But when she was woken at the crack of dawn by her cellphone ringing, Prince Suoh was at the other end.

What on Earth was he doing calling her this early?

"Hello?" she greeted, taking the phone away from her mouth to yawn. She was barely propped up in bed, and took a moment to readjust herself. She knew he couldn't, but Masae had the strange feeling that Suoh could see her through the phone, and she felt the need to look presentable. "How did you get this number?"

"That hardly matters now!" Suoh cried. "They were drinking from bowls, my dear secretary– bowls! And cracked measuring cups!"

Oh, he was far too loud. Masae snuck a glance at her clock and nearly groaned– it was barely five in the morning. Where did he get this energy? "Who was drinking from bowls, Suoh?"

"Haruhi and her father, of course! And they'd gone days without eating to save up enough money to buy me fancy tuna– but it wasn't even fancy! It was just regular tuna! And I could see Haruhi's ribs!"

Masae squinted at the dark outline of her wall in confusion. "Wait, slow down. When did you go see Haruhi?"

"Just today!" Suoh responded as if it was obvious. And the confidence in his tone almost overruled the fact that he was speaking nonsense. "Everything was broken and falling apart, and Haruhi opened a cabinet into the void!"

"Suoh..." Masae let her head fall back and hit the headboard. He was so stupid. "Are you sure this wasn't a dream?"

"I have to go see Haruhi's home!" He shouted; Masae moved the phone further away from her ear. "I need to see for myself that she doesn't live in such squalor! Do you think my darling Kyoya would go with me? I really don't want to be alone."

Masae sighed. "How should I know? You should ask him yourself. But I imagine he'll say yes, Ootori rarely says no to you." Much to everyone's detriment. Masae wished that people would say no to Suoh more, he might get better at handling it.

"That's a great idea!" Said Suoh, and immediately hung up.

At the sudden silence, Masae held the phone away from herself, blinking at it in confusion. Had he really just hung up on her? But— There was no use trying to decipher the things Suoh did. He was insane. Sighing, because this was really her life, she closed her cellphone and put it back on the side table before settling back in bed.

Masae stared out her second-story window at the slowly approaching dawn. And before she could help herself, she wondered what kind of view Haruhi saw from her bed.


Admittedly, Masae was very curious about where the poor Host lived. So when Ootori called at a much more reasonable time, asking if she wanted to come see Haruhi's house, it didn't take much convincing to get her to agree.

She squeezed into Suoh's car when it arrived soon after, between Ootori and Kaoru.

"Did you give Suoh my phone number?" She hissed at Ootori, sneaking a covert glance at the prince, who was speaking in far too grandiose a manner to be safe. Masae thought his words might have been somewhat meant for her, but she couldn't force herself to listen.

Ootori's glasses flashed. "As the three founding members of the Host Club, it behooves us to be able to stay in easy contact, don't you think?" Though his words were convincing, they were ruined by the evil look on his face. He was worse than the Twins, really.

Masae nearly groaned. "He called me at five in the morning."

"That's par for the course, I'm afraid," said Ootori, simply shrugging. "Our king has an abundance of thoughts that he simply must share."

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