32 - Sarah pt. 2

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"I knew it!" Jessie yelled, making me flinch from the sudden unexpected reaction. I didn't know that she knew because I never showed any signs before, but I clearly did without noticing.

"You knew? How?" I asked in confusion.

"It was obvious. Besides, I would be concerned if you didn't like my brother because you like every living breathing guy out there."

"Oh, shut up!" I slapped her arm. "So...does that mean you are not mad?" I asked hesitantly, too scared she would say yes.

"No. I was at first though, but now I am not," she replied with a shrug.

"Thank you!" I yelled, hugging her.

"So, that means you are going to do something about it?" She asked, breaking the hug.

"Would that be a problem with you?" I answered her question with another question.

"No, it wouldn't. But I don't want you to get hurt. I know how Xavier thinks and if you two got together, I don't want him to hurt you."

"Don't worry, Jess. I am a big girl and besides, you would be there to kick his ass if he hurt me," I replied with a teasing smile, making her grin.

"That I would do!"

"You minx! You would do anything to kick his ass, wouldn't you?"

"True." She laughed, making me laugh along with her.

Honestly, I did understand where she was coming from. From the stories I have heard from her about her brother, and my personal experience back at college when I used to see him with a new girl every week, I would be worried as well. He was not boyfriend material, just one-night stands. But I still would like to know him more because every person is different deep down. I know this because I was like that. I used to fake being a mean happy girl, who looked down on everyone, but deep down I was just insecure and ashamed of the way I look. I felt jealous of everyone who didn't care about what people think of them. I guess that was the difference between me and Sophia. She was kind and confident, while I was mean and insecure. She was the one that helped me release my inner self that I never knew existed before.

The next week, Jessie had arranged an outing with her brother and told me to come. They went to a club downtown and I followed them thirty minutes later. Xavier didn't know I was coming, so he had to accompany his sister just because he didn't want her to go alone. He would get man thinking about how many guys would approach his sister and he was scared for her safety. Coming with her means that he could stand up for any guy who approaches her or merely looks at her.

I entered the club, heavy aroma of sweat and alcohol hit my nose as I looked for my friend. My eyes landed on her figure, dancing in the middle of the dance floor, grinding on a stranger. I then looked for Xavier and saw him being distracted by some girl, not noticing his sister having fun with this stranger.

Angry spread through me as I see the girl whispering something to Xavier, making him laugh. I was jealous and I was going to do anything to take him away from her. I didn't like how she was touching his arm, or how her lips were so close to his. So, I did the only thing that I knew to do, walking up to them and stanching his arm.

And I did exactly that, earning a "HEY!" from the girl. Xavier looked so confused about what I had just done, but I didn't provide any explanation. I just continued walking, taking him away from the crowd. I opened a door on the way, which appeared to be a storage room.

The room was not too small or too big, though I wished it was small, so he had to nowhere to go. I looked up at him only to see him looking at me with amusement. I knew he knew that I was jealous, just like Jessie knew I like her brother without me knowing. I somehow showed everyone how I feel without noticing myself. Pathetic, really.

"What?" I ask as if I hadn't just kidnapped him from the girl.

"I should be asking you that," was his reply.

"I...I thought that...you needed help," I said, avoiding looking into his eyes.

"Help? Why?"

"I don't know...she seemed too clingy," I replied, remembering her hands all over him.

"Well, I was enjoying myself," he said, making me glare at him.

"Really? Fine, you can go back to her," I angrily replied, crossing my arms above my chest.

He chuckled, gaining my attention back to him. I looked at him and saw him smirking. "Do you think that I wouldn't know that you are jealous?"

"I am not jealous, Xavier!"

"You are! And you have been for a long time. I know you like me, Sarah."

What the fuck? This felt like a slap to my face because he knew that I liked him and he didn't do anything about it, which only means that he didn't like me back.

"You-You knew?" My voice cracked as my eyes teared up.

"Yes, I did."

"Okay...I-I understand."

"What do you understand?" he asked in confusion, placing his hand on one of my arms.

"I understand that you don't like me, but...but I do and I don't think that it will go any time soon," I confidently confessed.


"What?" I said, getting out of his grasp and ready to leave.

"I like you too."

You what?!

"You what?!" I voiced my thoughts.

"I said, I like you too, since forever."

"Why...why haven't you said anything?" I asked, extremely confused.

"Look, you should know that I am not a great...guy when it comes to relationships. I have never been in one, but ever since college, I have always thought about us getting together. I was only hesitant because of my sister and because I knew I wouldn't make you happy."

I slapped him.

"What was that for?!"

"You...you are telling me that we could have been a couple of years ago, but because you were scared you didn't show me or tell me you liked me?!"

"Well, why didn't you tell me?!" he yelled, matching my tone.

"Because you didn't even seem one percent interested in me!"

"It is not my problem!"

"It is!" I yelled.

Both of us breathed hard as we looked into each other's eyes. I looked around the storage room and saw a table in the corner. I glanced at Xavier again only to see him looking at the table as well, confirming that he was thinking the same thing. I grabbed his arm, walked to the table, jumped, and sat on it, and pulled him to my face, smashing my lips on his.

The kiss was aggressive, almost a punishment for us both for not saying anything. It was passionate and I couldn't stop it to breathe. He tasted so sweet and I wanted to devour the taste forever.

When we broke the kiss, he caressed my cheeks with both of his hands and rested his forehead on mine.

"You have no idea how much I have waited for this," he said.

"Neither do you."

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