20 - Lorenzo Gets Shot

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"W-What do you...mean?" I nervously ask, my heart thumping fast. Did I hear him right?

He nervously swallows the lump that formed in his throat and sighs. "It means, I want to spend time with you, Val."

Val. He called me Val. My boss called me Val.

I start blinking fast, not believing what I heard. I avoid looking into his eyes because I am so shy and nervous.

"You...want to spend time with me? Alone?"

He chuckles and sits closer to me until his thigh touches mine. He leans in close to my ear until his lips brush against it.

"Yes, Val. Alone."

I start feeling dizzy as I feel his hand grab my waist and pull me closer. His face leans down to my neck and leaves a trail of kisses. I let out a small moan without noticing, making me widen my eyes in alarm.

He chuckles. He knows he's affecting me.

The doorbell interrupts our moment, making him groan.

He let go of me and makes his way to the door. He tells me to stay seated while he checks on who's behind the door.

"Who is it?"

"Barlo," a man replies.

Lorenzo seems to know the man because he opens the door quickly, but what he didn't see before, was that this man Barlo had a gun aimed at him from the man standing in the side.

"I am so sorry, Lorenzo," Barlo cries, making Lorenzo quickly pull out his gun and aim at the intruder.

"Put your gun down or he dies," the intruder says.

I am still hidden from the door and no one could see me. My heart beats fast and for a moment, I fear something bad might happen to Lorenzo. I walk slowly without making noise toward the door, but not before grabbing a vase in my hand from the side table.

"I said, put the gun down!" he yells again.

Lorenzo looks at me from the corner of his eyes, without drawing attention. He slowly puts the gun down. "Leave him," Lorenzo tells the man.

The intruder pushes Barlo inside and Lorenzo backs away. I am still not visible to the men as I hide behind the wall.

"Kilian Ramirez says hi," the man says before shooting Barlo and aiming the gun at Lorenzo, but Lorenzo was too quick to push the gun towards me with his leg, but it was over for him because the intruder shots him.

I scream, grabbing his attention to me. Before he could aim at me, I crouch, take the gun, and shoot him.

How did I get a clean shot to the middle of his head? I don't know.

I sob as I run to Lorenzo, who is thankfully still awake.

"Lorenzo..." I cry as I hold his head in my lap. "Don't close your eyes."

"Shh...don't worry, I am okay." His voice cracks.

I look at the damage and it looks pretty bad. The bullet hit the side of his stomach.

I grab his phone from his pocket and call an ambulance.

"Don't call the hospital. Just call Johnny or Sam."

"What? No! You need to go to the hospital, now!" I exclaim.

"Valeria, promise me you'll call Johnny or Sam. I don't trust the hospital."

I keep crying as I nod. I open his phone and look for Johnny's number and dial. After two rings, he picks up.

"Hey, man, where are you?"

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