03 - Seville

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"Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts."

- Henri Frederic Amiel.

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Cleaning bathrooms could be fun, getting water all over you and playing a little bit until you have to clean everything up. I am in my third bathroom wash and the one before the last. The last bathroom left is Lorenzo's, Mrs. Gonzalez's son.

To be honest, I am a little nervous to meet him because I don't know if he'd be kind or outgoing like the rest are in this house. I am also excited to meet Sarah, who is coming in a month's time. I am sure she'd be delightful just like her sister, Sofia. Sofia and I immediately clicked and I hope I'd click fast with Sarah.

Moving on to Lorenzo's bedroom, which included the bathroom, I open the door and walk in. I have never been in this room before because it wasn't even opened, not that I tried.

It feels weird being in this room, maybe because this is the first time I go inside, or maybe because it's a boys' room, and I have never been in a boys' room before.

I look around me in curiosity as I put aside the cleaning tools.

The king-size bed stood in the middle against the middle wall, while his dresser is placed on the left side of the bed, against the wall. His walk-in closet is beside the dresser on the left side of the bed. In front of his bed, there's a TV placed against the wall, and under it, is a black simple table that has a few magazines, old ones, laid on it. Finally, there's a beautiful painting that looked to be hand-made just above the bed against the wall.

Everything looks gray and black, just like any boring boys' room, but it looks beautiful nevertheless.

I start cleaning the room and don't even ask how much shit came out of it since it hasn't been cleaned in a very long time. But the good news is, I finished in an hour and a half.

Feeling satisfied with it, I close the door behind me and go downstairs to start making dinner. Mr. Lorenzo is coming in less than three hours and I have to make a full table by then.

"Hello, honey," Valentina asks, looking around the messy kitchen.

"No, thank you, Mrs. Gonzalez. Everything is under control." I reply as I spill the vegetables into the pan.

"Lorenzo is going to love your food! I am so excited to see his reaction."

"Oh, Mrs. Gonzalez, your food is much better."

"You know, you are the only one who makes me feel good about myself," she says with a grin.

"I thought Mr. Gonzalez does that," I say naively with a frown.

She blushes and replies, "He does, but in a totally different way."



I turn around quickly as a red blush covers my not-overly-chubby cheeks. I continue to steer, making sure to be careful next time what comes out of my mouth.

"Oh don't get all shy on me now, Valeria, and by the way, I apologize for not giving you a break today, it's just Lorenzo's arrival is like New Year 's Eve to me, and you know how much I love New Year's Eve."

A small chuckle leaves my lips as I hear her ramble about her son, making me more excited to meet him.

"It is okay, Mrs. Gonzalez. I don't really mind."

With that, she nods and leaves me to get my work done without distractions.

I am making Gazpacho, which is a cold soup with blended vegetables, but instead of raw vegetables, I am frying them a bit.

I am also making Paella, which is a dish originally from Valencia but is very famous in Spain. I will be making it after I finish the Gazpacho.

After almost three hours, Sofia walks into the kitchen with a rainbow lollipop in her mouth. She lets go of it resulting in a popping sound. "Need any help, Val?" she asks, making me almost roll my eyes.

"I finished. Thanks though," I reply, making her giggle.

"I always do that. When mom is washing the dishes at night, I ask to help her when she's almost done."

"You're an evil person, Sofia," I shyly say with a teasing smile. I am still not sure what relationship we have, Sofia and I.

"Oh, wait till you see Lorenzo and Sarah, they are the evil ones."

A sudden dreadful feeling washes over me as I think of the possibility of them not liking me. Will they be mean to me?

"I don't mean it in a bad way, darling. What I meant is that both of them are pranksters and annoying."

I nod in understanding

Suddenly, her phone rings, and a grin replaces her thin lips. "Well, you'll meet Lorenzo now because he's here," she says, showing me her phone's screen.

Lorenzo is calling.

All of a sudden, my heart thumps fast against its ribcage, making me feel like fainting. I feel nervous and my hands start to sweat.

I quickly wash my hands and take the food outside to the dining room. I wouldn't want any of them to wait because of my mini panic attack.

Once I place all the food on the table, I hear loud voices from screams to squeals coming from the main door.

I straighten my clothes and get ready mentally for meeting with this man whom everyone is excited to meet.

The sound of footsteps echoes through the hall until they reach the dining room, where I am currently in.

The first person to enter is Mr. Gonzalez, followed by his wife, Sofia, and lastly, a gorgeous man, who has a smile on his face...well, until his eyes landed on me.

The smile is gone and instead, a frown rested on his face. He almost looks confused to see me as if he knows me.

Everyone takes a seat at the table and I start to serve everyone, starting with Mr. Gonzalez.

"Thanks, dear," he says and I nod.

When I serve Mrs. Gonzalez and Sofia, Lorenzo was the only one left. I walk his way and start pouring Gazpacho on his plate carefully. My hands are shaking a little bit, but thankfully, I finish without any incidents.

As I turn around to leave, Mrs. Gonzalez stops me.

"Come sit with us, darling."

I open my mouth to decline when someone beats me to it.

"Why would a maid join our table?" Lorenzo asks, without a care in the world.

"Lorenzo!" Mrs. Gonzalez scolds with wide eyes.

"What? She is working, not part of the family. Her place is in the kitchen."

Before Mrs. Gonzalez or anyone else could say anything, I intrude. "Mr. Lorenzo's right, Mrs. Gonzalez. I'll be having my meal in the kitchen and I'll be here when you finish," I say proudly, not feeling neither embarrassed nor ashamed of being a nurse.

Sofia is about to protest when I give her a smile and turn around and leave. As I silently sprint to the kitchen, fresh tears don't hesitate to pour down.

What I was afraid of, happened.

Lorenzo Gonzalez is not like the rest, and I doubt that Sarah is. 

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