12 - A Hug

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"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask in confusion. "I already told you I know."

Valentina sighs in relief as if she forgot about me knowing. "It's still weird for everyone, sorry, Valeria. You have been working here for two years and now that you know, it's a bit awkward," she replies.

"It's okay. I could leave you alone to talk..." I suggest.

"No, no, it's fine. You can stay," Valentina replies, making me feel a bit better, but I am still tense about the subject. How could I forget that dreadful night when that man threatened me and locked me in the bathroom. I have never been in a criminal-related issues until that night. It is one of the worst things it could happen to someone, but of course, not the only worst thing. 

"Anyways, we have still not found who sent them, but we are working on it," Lorenzo tells his mother, who in return, nods. 

"I'd like to try my luck in getting the information out of them, Lorenzo. You know how I can be persuasive," Sarah says, looking at her brother with a knowing look.

"I am not going to let you seduce them, Sarah. Besides, they are dead now."

At hearing that, I get an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had figured that being in the mafia would require killing people, but hearing about it coming from his mouth just makes me feel unsettled. 

"Don't tell me they couldn't handle your beatings..." Sarah chuckles. 

"Well, they couldn't, but that's not how they died," Lorenzo replies with a smirk. 

"Stop talking about these stuff in my house!" Valentina scolds her children. 

My mind begin going back in time when my mother used to beat me a little when I did something wrong. I remember trying so hard to please her whenever I can, but she would not be pleased by anything I did. It was as if she intentionally wanted to hit me just to hurt me. I don't even know why she hates me so much. Someone would think that she would love me, especially since I am her only daughter. I remember my father once told me that my mother loved me so much when I was younger, but suddenly changed when I grew older. Things only got really bad when my father stopped working and we became less rich. It turns out that after all, she only cared about the money, hence why I was forced to give her all the money I earned from my work. 

"Mrs. Gonzalez, I will be visiting my parents tomorrow if that's okay," I say, grabbing Valentina's attention and everyone else in the room. 

"Of course, honey. You don't have to take permission. Just make sure to tell the driver tomorrow to take you, okay?" 

"Oh, that's not really necessary. I can go alone."

"Please, Valeria. I cannot send you alone without some protection," she replies.

I hesitantly nod, not liking that my previous lie might get out. Valentina still doesn't know that I lied to her about where I lived. She thinks I live so close from her mansion when I live one hour away. 

When the night ended, everyone went back to their rooms. I finally feel relieved that it's over because I felt so awkward sitting there listening to their conversations, while I said nothing. 

I changed into my pajamas and get ready for bed. I lay on the bed for two hours and my eyes are still open. 

I can't sleep. 

I huff and get out of bed and walk outside of my room just in time as I hear a thud. I take a look at the stairs and see a drunk Lorenzo trying to come up. How do I know he's drunk? He's walking up the stairs like a dog with a grin on his face as he looks at me. 

If you don't get it, one, humans don't kneel on the stairs as they walk up, two, Lorenzo never grins at me. 

"What are you doing?" I whisper-yell as I walk his way to help him. 

"Valaaaaria..." he slurs, making me cringe from the smell of alcohol. 

"Why are you even drunk?"

"A little...bi-bi-bit SAD." He yells the word "sad" at the end.

"Shhh!!!" I shush him, placing my index finger on my lips, resulting in him to look at them. 

"Come," I say and grab his arm to help him get up. He barely helps me help him. 

"Fuck, you're too heavy!" I groan.

"And you're toooo beautifulll, mhm..." he slurs, making me fight the urge to smile. He is fun when he's drunk. 

I take him to his room and push him against the bed. A sigh leaves his lips when his back contacted with the mattress. His eyes are still open and looking at me as if I am his next meal, which is odd if you ask me. 

"Can I ask you something?" he murmurs.


He sits up and pats the seat beside him for me to sit. I hesitantly take a seat next to him and look at him. "What is it, Mr. Lorenzo?"

He scowls before saying, "Mr. Lorenzo? Really? I don't like it, just call me Enzo or Lorenzo." He seems to come back to his senses. 

I roll my eyes knowing that he'll not remember any of this. I stand up to leave, but Lorenzo grabs my wrist. 

"Wait, I haven't asked you my question, yet."

"What, tell me."

He tells me to sit down and all of a sudden, hugs me. 

"What the fuck?" 

"Oh, I forgot to ask. Can I hug you?"

A laugh escapes my lips as I look at his face. He looks so innocent and gentle. 

Suddenly, he closes his eyes and falls back onto the mattress, finally falling asleep. 

He'll definitely will not remember any of this tomorrow, or at least I hope he doesn't. 

I cover his with the duvet and walk out of his room. I go to the kitchen and drink a cup of water. I then go back to my room and try to sleep again. Somehow after my encounter with Lorenzo, my eyes now beg me to sleep. It is as if they needed to see him before going to sleep. 

* * * 

The next morning, I go to my parent's house. I have missed my father a lot and after talking to him on the phone and making sure my mother wasn't at home, I finally decide to go. 

He told me on the phone that she went to her friend's house. I only hope she doesn't come back while I am still there. 

I thank Mrs. Gonzalez's driver, Fego, and walk to the house. I only hope that Fego doesn't tell Mrs. Gonzalez where I live, or she'll give me a speech on why I lied to her. 

I knock on the door before twisting the handle and going in. 


"I am here!" 

I go to the kitchen and find him making coffee. I go and hug him before sitting on the chair. 

"I've missed you, dad."

"Oh, honey, I have missed you too. How are you?" 

"Good. I wish you're with me, though. How's mom treating you?" 

He sighs before saying, "Your mother is up to no good. She suddenly has so much money that she told me she won in the lottery. I am afraid she did something bad, Valeria."

"How much money are we talking about?" I ask, my insides churning at the awful thought running in my head.

"A million or two, I don't know, but she told me that she will buy us a house and do the surgery for me hand."


Could it be?

* * * 

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