18 - Valeria's First Kiss on the Cheek

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The whole night yesterday, I kept thinking about Valeria. I am taking her as my date tomorrow at the mafia event with my family, and I didn't dare tell her what the event was for. I just didn't want her to say no and I desperately want her to come. I don't know what I am feeling, but it's nothing like anything I have felt before. What do you call a man who always thinks about a girl, sometimes dreams of her (innocent dreams), wishes to see her every day, and wants to always be beside her?

I don't know...it's like I am sick.

Am I sick?

I huff and roll over to the other side of my king-sized bed, now sleeping on my right. I glare at my small lamp beside the bed, wishing I could turn it off. I always sleep with the lamp turned on because I can't sleep without a little light shining through the room. Call me a baby or whatever, but there are people who are scared of the dark. I don't know where my fear comes from but I feel that it has something to do with my uncle's death because ever since he and his family died, I have been having this issue. But I am not certain it's from it because it didn't come immediately after that night.

The image of me killing his killer, my ex-best friend, comes to my mind. I remember finding him close to the crime scene, thinking I'd never search there. He was stupid to hide in a house full of people working for me, but he didn't know that. The only good thing was that I didn't tell him everything.

A knock echoes through the room, stopping my train of thoughts. I frown at the intruder at this time of the night as I get up to see who it is. I pull the door open and Sophia is standing in front of me, holding a glass of orange juice.


"Hey...did I wake you up?" she nervously asks.

"No, I am already awake. What's going on?"

"Can I come in?"

I sigh and let her in. I turn the lights on and we sit on the bed.

"So, are you going to ask me what you came to ask?

"How did you know that I wanted to ask you something?"

"You're my sister. So?"

She smiles weakly and takes a sip from her juice. God, I thought it was for me, but I grant her she didn't know I was awake.

"I...I want to talk about...tomorrow event."

"What about it?" I ask, crossing my eyebrows.

"Well, our parents are going together, Sarah is going with our cousin, Mateo, Johnny is going with Cassie, and you are going with Valeria."

"I don't see your point, Soph."

"What about me?" she stresses with a frown on her face. She looks upset and sat.

"You want to go with someone?" I ask.

"Hallelujah," she mumbles, throwing her arms in the air with the juice still in her hand. Thank god, it didn't spill.

"Who?" I ask firmly.

"I don't know...anyone. Is there someone you know that could come with me?"

"Well...there's Sam," I say.

"Can you talk to him?" she asks in her baby voice, so I could agree.



"I said no, Soph."

She gives me the puppy eyes and I curse under my breath. I shake my head in disbelief and agree.

"Fine...I'll talk to him for you, but if he didn't agree, it's not my fault."

"Okay, thank you," she replies with a smile that brightened her face as if she wasn't sad a few moments ago. "By the way, I am very happy you're taking Valeria. You two look cute together."

"Get out!"

She giggles and leaves my room, leaving me with red cheeks I never once got before. What did she even mean by that? There's nothing that could ever happen between me and Valeria. Ever. She doesn't even like me and will never forgive me or forget what I did. I can't even forgive myself. I hurt her and I shouldn't have done that. I was scared and blinded by anger that I didn't care who was in front of me.

I finally feel sleepy, so I lay down on the bed and close my eyes, hoping this time, I'll actually fall asleep.


The Evening

I start getting ready for the event. I put my tuxedo on, style my hair with a little bit of gel, not too much, wear my shoes, and spray perfume.

I am so excited for tonight, especially going to the event with Valeria. When I told my parents yesterday about my decision, they were shocked and couldn't believe that I wanted to take her with me. Not that I haven't taken a girl before with me, but I have never shown interest in Valeria since I came back to Seville.

I go downstairs after I finish and join the rest of the family. Only my father was actually done, so I sit beside him while we wait for the rest.

"So, you and...Valeria," he says.

"Dad, no again, please."

"I am not saying anything, son," he defends himself. "I am just stating."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "I know that's not what you meant, dad."

"Okay, fine, so what? Do you like her, son?"

"What?! Of course, not! I don't like everyone I take to the event every years," I exclaim.

"Then why are you so angry?" he smirks, making me glare at him, playfully.

I don't say anything because I know he's right. I am just a pussy to admit something as bizarre as this. I could never.

My mother and sisters come downstairs, their heels clicking on the floor.

"You all look stunning," my father complimented them.

"Thanks, daddy," my sisters reply.

"Thanks, my love. You look handsome," my mother replies, kissing my father on the cheek.

Footsteps our way take my attention to the door. Sam, Johnny, and Cassie join us in the living room. I have spoken this morning to Sam and forced him to take Sophia, despite the severe begging of releasing him of this duty.

I just couldn't get the image of my sister's tears out of my head, so I didn't agree and forced him to take her.

"I will go take Valeria," I say.

"Okay, honey. Take care," my mother replies.

I leave the house and take my car. The drive was long. Her house is an hour away and I still cannot fathom how she used to come to work every day. If my mother had known, I am sure she would help with the accommodation, but Valeria probably didn't tell her.

I arrive less than an hour later because of my speed. Don't speed, I only do it when I am in a hurry but even then, I shouldn't.

I park outside of her house and send her a message. She comes out three minutes later looking all gorgeous and sexy. I sent her a white dress even though the dress code is black and red. I wanted her to be unique because she is special.

I step out of my car and open the door for her. "Thank you," she says.

"You look beautiful, Valeria," I say, making her blush.


She's shy.

I don't notice my head leaning in and kissing her on her cheek. Only when she looked at me with wide eyes did I notice what I did. I was about to apologize but stop when I see her smile shyly.

I hop into the car and drive to the destination.

"Are you nervous?" I ask and she nods. "Don't be. I'll be by your side all night, okay?"


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