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"Dad!" Tuk cried as she saw the Metkayina. The warriors came to a stop and floated on the surface of the water.

"It's Sully," the man that had captured them said as he ripped Lo'ak's comm device from his neck and earpiece from his ear, placing it into his own ear. He pressed the button on the comms device and held it close to his face, "Jake. Tell your friends to stand down. You want your kids back - you come out alone." The man took out a gun and held it to Lo'ak's head, "You know better than to test my resolve."

'Kanu did not understand a word that was being said, so she frantically started pulling at the cuff, trying to break free, "Lo'ak - no!" She called but was silenced when one of their soldiers placed a hand threateningly on her shoulder and clicked the safety off his gun.

"I took you under my wing, Jake," the man said into the comm, "You betrayed me. You killed your own, good men - good women. I will not hesitate to execute your kid."

"Just wait." Jake said from the other end of the line.

The man did not lift his gun from Lo'ak's head and 'Kanu was starting to panic. Was he really going to shoot him right there and then? Right in front of little Tuk?

"Offers gonna expire," the man taunted after a moment of silence in which no one dared to move, "What's it gonna be?"

"Check your fire. I'm coming down."

'Kanu could see as one of the warriors swam ahead of the rest, leaving the others behind. She squinted as she tried to make out who it was. Her wisest guess was that it was Toruk Makto - but she had not a clue as to what he was planning.

"Easy shot," one of the Na'vi looking men said, looking through the radar of his gun.

The scary man who was in lead pushed his gun toward the ground, "You hit him now, they attack," he said. Then added with a smile, "Wait till he's on board."

'Kanu did not understand the words being exchanged between the two men, but whatever it was couldn't have been good. Lo'ak snarled in anger, his eyes showing pure fury. 'Kanu tried turning her attention back on Jake, who drew closer with every passing second.

Her attention was stolen as a large shape emerged from the water, throwing itself onto the deck. "Payakan!" Tuk cried as the three Na'vi turned their heads to watch the tulkun land on the ship.

The men ran for cover as the ship jolted when the tulkun landed and crushed at least one of the soldiers. 'Kanu could not help but smile in relief at the sight of Payakan. Even when the ship shook and her wrist hurt from where the cuff cut into her skin, she could not help but cheer, lifting her free hand into the air in delight.

The soldiers in their big machines started shooting at Payakan, "Open fire!" They yelled as they fired their guns. Payakan's skin was too thick to be penetrated by some measly bullets - all they did was anger him further.

"Brother!" Lo'ak called as he kicked the man closest to him, making him fall forward. The tulkun took a swipe with his fin as he let out the loudest howl Kanu had ever heard any tulkun make, sending the man flying across the deck.

Payakan was wreaking havoc on board. He hit a machine that was suspended in the air by wire and sent it across the ship  - making everyone run in fear and duck from the chunk of metal.

Amidst this chaos, the Metkayina let out cries as they shot forward at full speed - eager to join the fight to rescue their own people.

Payakan was being fired at from all directions and he let out a cry before bringing his tail up and denting a bridge from under - causing the men who stood above it to fly into the air before coming into contact with the cement of the deck.

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