Ch 2: New friend

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"Drop it Roxto" he said in that deep voice trying to intimidate me. Ha! Who are you trying to scare? Tsireya went over to comfort him, I'm pretty sure she's just gonna make it worse-

All of a sudden I felt eyes on me, turning around a bit I spotted a girl, a pretty girl. But the second we make eye contact she ducks away, strange. I don't bother to tell Aonung he always makes fun of me for being cautious so I guess I'll have to look into this myself.

She looked different very different I'd never met anyone with red skin before...I wonder if she's an enemy


Y/n pov.

Y'know maybe Roxto didn't see you, it's been like two days and there's no signs that he's even entered the forest. Because you've been thinking the best time to interfere in the movie would probably be a bit after the Sullys arrive at the sea people village.

Right now you had just finished getting two fish from the river nearby and were in the process of cooking them.

"Damn I'm good, like look at me hunting for myself and everything," you said talking to yourself probably not hearing the distant rustles of leaves. Taking it off the fire you start eating your amazing (not really) really well-cooked (almost burnt) fish. Again maybe because you were really hungry from not eating proper food (your parents cooking) you blocked out everything around you.

That's why it was really awkward when you had your mouth full and are mid-chew and Roxto just emerges from the bushes. Both of you froze not exactly knowing how to proceed.

"Do ya want some?" you said, it was quite muffled since you did NOT swallow your food.

Roxto pov.

Early in the morning, he was finally able to sneak out without anyone noticing. He wanted to go the day he saw her but someone (Aonung) kept getting in his way. Always wanting to go hunting or try to flirt with the women in our tribe- LIKE BRO I GET IT BUT I GOT SOMETHING TO DO

So today I managed to get away from him by spouting some bullshit that I got a date to go on. Aonung may be annoying at times but he does respect me enough to leave me alone.

I started the search by going to the edge of the forest that I saw her last time, but now that I think about it, was she even a she? She did look feminine but there is still a chance that it could be a guy. Wait, if she is a guy does that mean that I unintentionally told Aonung I'm going on a date with a dude!? Shit— I don't know who you are red person but you better turn out to be a girl!

He found no traces of where you could've gone, turns out waiting two days really changes a lot. He didn't want to go deep into the forest, it's unknown territory, if anything happened he'd be in deep shit. Just as he's about to head back he spotted a smoke trail in the distance.

Huh? Doesn't smoke usually mean life and I'm pretty sure none of the animals that live here can make fires—ITS GOTTA BE THE RED PERSON

With that in mind he continued forward, the closer he got the louder the crackle of the fire well as a crunching sound. Finally out moving past the last bunch of bushes in the way he froze. There she was and she was definitely a girl. They were breathtaking even with their mouth stuffed with food. It was almost like the sun put a halo around them.

No one did anything until he heard "tycj je nudjd idkd?"



They continue talking but he doesn't understand a thing. He waved his hands to get them to stop, putting them in an x shape afterwards.

"Hey! Hey I can't understand anything you're saying" now it was the other person's turn to stand there confused. They titled their head to the side- it was adorable but there are more pressing matters. How am I supposed to communicate with someone who can't understand a thing I say?

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