Ch 8: This is New...

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"This is gonna be English"
"This is gonna be na'vi "
"This is sign language"


"Where's Kiri?" Everyone starts looking around, it's true Kiri really isn't here. You can see the panic start to set into the Sullys' faces but before it gets too bad you intervene.

"If I remember correctly she should be somewhere over there, i'll go get her" you gently pass Tuk to her brother as you go in the direction you believe she's in.  It doesn't take long for you to get to where she's supposed to be looking at the sea life ...except she isn't.

Who the fuck are they?


Y/n pov.

You were standing not too far from Kiri. She was meant to be in a trance staring at the sea life...however she was surrounded by girls our age. Did they ever even show other girls apart from Tsireya in the movie? What the hell was going on— I know she gets bullied later but that was by guys?! Who the fuck in blue people lore are they!?

You continued observing from the side, maybe just maybe she made..friends? After looking a bit more you came to your conclusion. Yeah nah she's definitely getting bullied. The question is now should I help her or walk away or— or bully her too! You have a few things you've been meaning to tell her about her recent attitude, but you can't do that you are trying to befriend them after all.

Fuck this I have enough problems to worry about then some pasty avatar that can't hold her own—

Now could anyone tell you how you somehow ended up right beside Kiri in the middle of those girls?? Because now you have another problem, oh my lord, you can't even speak back if you wanted. And if you started signing it just makes you look dumb as hell, cuz they know you can talk

"Who do you think you are being all over Aonung and Rotxo?! They're the pride of our clan how dare you!" This was for some reason directed at Kiri, and I don't know why because as far as you're concerned you probably spent wayyy more time with the boys than her.

"And you! Just because our Tsahik accepts you doesn't mean we will. Like what even are you?? You're disgusting we don't need dirt like you in our clan" ohhhh there it is~ you could confidently say though is that your comprehension skills have gotten better, you understood a good 2/3 of that. It seems being surrounded by people that speak the language actually does help.

They kept chattering like a bunch of banshees. Kiri did speak back to a lot of their comments but as far as you could tell they weren't effective. If you had ears they would definitely be bleeding so without any more delay you turned to Kiri.

"Oi, you wanna help me with something?" She looked over at you disinterested as if you were like the blue toads in front of her. She rolled her eyes but asked anyway

"And what could I possibly help you with" her voice was bored and slow dragging out how much she disliked talking to you. It really got on your nerves cuz if this bitch didn't wander off in the first place, you could've been working towards your goal of getting closer to Neteyam.

"It quite simple actually I just want you to translate a few kind words to these clearly brain dead girls" the girls clearly annoyed by the two of you promptly ignoring them got all up in Kiri's face and proceeded to start shouting again

"HOW DARE YOU! IGNORING ME ILL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT IM THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE CLAN after Tsireya ANYWAYS ILL MAKE SURE TO TEACH YOU A LESSON-" seeming convinced by the extra shouting Kiri turned her head and gave you a sly smirk and that was all you needed to know that she had agreed.

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