Ch 6: Damn you got two Moms now

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"This is gonna be English"
"This is gonna be na'vi "
"This is sign language"


You dodged its attack by a hair but it did manage to nip your arm causing your red blood to blend with the ocean water. Ronal could only watch in horror as the beast charged towards you again, obviously developing a liking for your blood. How could she let you suffer alone, she knew you would be a great asset to the clan and she would approve in a heartbeat if you were to marry her son. She steamed her nerves to head down again to get you only to stop in shock.

You had hit the nose of the monster and the thing kneeled over. Turning on its side, showing it was no longer conscious. Ronal only had one though at this moment

Who are you...?


Y/n pov.

Wow okay did I just do that~ You had an insane urge to start flexing but you were still aware that Ronal was watching you. So acting as naturally as possible you pushed the unconscious beast to the side. It not so gracefully drifted to the side, just like an item in  a zero gravity chamber.

You could feel the holes Ronal was drilling in the back of you head. Don't mess up don't mess up don't mess up- You picked up the large net pouch that contained all of the fish you had hunted. Finally deciding it might be time to actually look at the woman. You turned to her with a bright smile.

"I don't believe we will get much more hunting done today, can I suggest that we head back?" Looking at her she was still shell shocked by what happened, her eyes constantly flickering from you to the monster and back again.

"....yes...I suppose we can" her movements were slow and unrushed as if she was still in a daze. I guess she really needs time to comprehend what just happened. You won't judge her after all you had been the same when you realized what type of strength you had.

The whole entire journey back was a bit of a blur, the most memorable thing for it was probably the constant glances Ronal gave you. And whenever you would catch her eye contact she would look away like some giddy school girl in love. It was truly a strange experience

Spotting the clan village in sight you prepared to dismount your ilu. Of course Ronal was ahead of you it would be terribly disrespectful to be in front of her. The clan's people were already on the shore awaiting the results of the trial.

"Today we traveled beyond the reef to conduct the trial. This lone woman hunted enough to match the hunt of the men all by her lonesome! This woman signal handily defeated a monstrous beast with a single move of her hands! This woman saved my life today! THIS WOMAN IS ONE OF US!" Her voice was clear and strong. Each word was pronounced with deep emotions as she relayed the results of the hunt. The people broke out in a wild cheer welcoming their new sister. You could spot Rotxo in the crowd cheering louder than anyone else.

He signed to you since he could not yet approach you yet. "I'm so proud of you" You smiled brightly at him making him admire your beauty once again. He would never get tired of seeing your effortlessly intoxicating happiness.

Ronal turned back around to face you. You  took one knee to the ground as you awaited for what she was gonna say.
"I see you Warrior Y/n" Ronald's eyes were clear only her sincerity and admiration were displayed. You in turn mirrored her gesture. I guess you could finally rest easy here knowing that at least you weren't some kind of intruder in their clan.

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