Ch 7: The Sully Kids

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"This is gonna be English"
"This is gonna be na'vi "
"This is sign language"


"I'm sure they won't mind, that red girl is really beautiful though, why'd she have to be so close to fish legs over there" he was talking bout Aonung who was by your side trying to put distance between you and his sister, the last thing he needed was his sister telling you some of his dark history and make him ruin his chance with you. You however were much more interested in the fact that they were talking so carefree that close to you guys, so without holding back you shouted over to them.

"Y'know it's pretty rude to stare let alone talk about someone in their face like that" a smug grin made its way to your face when you saw their shocked faces

Neteyam however was too entranced by how melodic your voice was to realize you had spoken to them in English.


Y/n pov.

The Sully kids weren't that far away from us. Neteyam was giving out to Lo'ak English. Only Rotxo looked towards me questioningly, he's the only one that knows what English sounds like. The other two were completely confused at what the hell they were saying.

Why not make their first meeting a bit more chaotic ~

Answering Rotxo's unspoken question you told them exactly what was happening. "The talker boy is giving out to the younger one for staring, but the younger one complained about Aonung being so close to me and called him fish legs" instantly Aonung was suddenly very interested in what they were saying. The nerve of these useless outsiders. Aonung nudged you a bit but you understood he wanted you to insult them in their own language.

"Y'know it's pretty rude to stare let alone talk about someone in their face like that" your voice could be heard clearly and you could recognise the slight mocking tone in it too.

Neteyam looked like he was in a bit of a daze. Kiri though looked as if I was holding her family at gunpoint. Is it that surprising that someone else can speak English? Damn I didn't think of the possibility that they'd view with me hostility

"How can you speak this language. " it was a demand, and she was giving me a hard glare while she was at it. She slightly pushed Tuk behind her as if you were about to snatch her like some pedo priest. Is it because I'm red-

"Chill~ you couldn't have possibly thought you were the only creature on this planet apart from the sky people that could speak English, did you?" You raised an eyebrow, she couldn't possibly be serious could she? Oh my lord she was! You saw her whole body freeze as if that thought had only occurred to her now. It also seemed that Neteyam finally broke out of his daze. Lo'ak on the other hand was a little busy giving love eyes to Tsireya. And Tsireya really didn't know how to respond to it.

"No! I apologize for my sister. She was just shocked, we haven't met anyone apart from our family that could speak like the sky people! I also apologize for our staring. We have also never met any of your kind before " he looked a bit distressed. He was afraid that he had offended you with their actions. It was definitely because his father told them not to get in trouble and not because he wanted you to have a good first impression of him.

"I was just joking, no sweat. If I got offended by every little thing, I'm not sure how I'd survive in this world. I'm Y/n by the way, you?" You had an easy going smile as you extended one of your hands. However internally you were screaming HE WAS SO MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE IN PERSON AND HE'S SUCH A SWEETHEART! He seemed to relax with your words. He accepted your handshake. You could feel the calluses on his hands most likely from hunting from a young age.

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