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At one point in time I'll have,
Nothing left to loose.
But you.
~E, will I loose you too?

The Butterfly and It's Cage
I will not be
a butterfly in a cage.
The cage shall dismiss and will no longer exist.
But the butterfly will forever have a tainted wing.
~E, I cannot win.

Even in a world where we do not exist.
I will find you.
For the possibility that you'll be trying to find me.
~E, chasing after that possibility.

Thank you
for putting on a brave face when you knew
you couldn't.
~E, thank you.

I'm sorry
that I wasn't able to comfort you like you wanted.
I was still trying to figure out how to comfort myself.
~E, only me. I don't need anyone else.

Hello! And welcome to another of these. I said in the last one that I may make another one and I did. Bc I felt like it. Writing poems comes natural to me unlike writing a full fledge book or chapter. I love doing that too though. I'll put little collections of 5 to save space but if it's longer one I won't.
Until next time!

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