41. - 45.

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Standing over the bath tub in nude.
My vision starting to blur over.
But all I could think about is you.

I point people directions.
To avoid danger and confusion.
The directions to my heart.

I think once I can stand to see myself in the mirror.
Is when I'm able to stand in front of you again and be okay.

This isn't who I used to be.
I didn't have a wall built up so high.
That someone couldn't see over it.
I didn't give people a cold-shoulder.
I looked people in the eyes and told them how I felt.
I didn't run away from it.
I faced it head-on.
But that isn't me anymore.
~E, the way I used to be.

I didn't expect you to stay.
But I didn't expect you to leave so soon.
~E, leaving me behind.

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