181. - 185.

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I hope that one day.
You would understand what you put me through.
~E, I didn't deserve that and you know it.

I'm tired of holding onto someone's hand
that isn't wanting to hold onto mine.
~E, I need to learn how to let go.

"If he wanted to, he would."
He would want me if I was prettier,
had a bigger chest.
Was less clingy.
Was quieter.
Was less of annoyance.
Was someone I am not.
Never could be.
Sometimes I wish I was.
~E, then would he want me?

I should not be this attached to you.
You're not even mine.
~E, was never to begin with.

"boys will change for someone they want to change for."
As I laid awake at night wondering why I couldn't be the one he wanted.
After so many chances I've gave him for him to change.
I wanted so bad for him to want me.
I wanted to be someone he laid awake at night wanting.
Wanting to see, touch, talk to.
I wanted to be someone special to him.
I knew how he treated me.
I knew I deserved better.
I played it over and over again in my head.
But I knew.
I wasn't the someone he would change for.
~E, why could it be me?

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