332. - 335.

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Please let me hold you as the waves took you away from me.
They whisked you away farther and farther away from the shore.
From our memories.
Your home.
I watched as the tides receded leaving white foam.
Maybe it was better for when my tears hit the sand I could no longer see them collect on the ground.
Why couldn't you let me hold you?
Counting my heart beats.
Forgetting where I was then having to start over.
Counting from where I began to where I ended.
I ended up by the sea shore watching as the tides came forward and receded all the same.
But I wanted so badly to end up with you.
~E, why couldn't you let me hold you?

I watched as the lens of my glasses
glittered against the pond water.
My own reflection casted across my face.
I thought about jumping in.
Knowing it was cold to the touch.
Knowing it would hurt.
My glasses started to slip off my face.
Until they plunged into the water.
Taking everything I knew with them.
Maybe it should've been me that jumped in instead of my glasses falling in.
~E, a pond and its reflection.

"Flowers last longer when given with love."
I watched as the flowers on my window sill died a little more each day.
After begging my father to get me flowers for Valentine's Day.
I knew it was stupid to want something that would die anyway but I wanted it so much more than anything else.
Rather it be candy, or a stuff animal that would collect dust on my shelves.
I wanted flowers.
After a while my dad got me tulips.
They were my mom's favorite.
Mine were sunflowers.
I left the tulips in my window sill where the most sun would shine.
I thought it would be good for them.
But it didn't matter if they were watered and taken care of.
They would still die anyway.
~E, I want a flower that lasts.

Needle and Red Thread.
I should've fixed myself with that red thread.
As the needle poked through the cloth it left a red color in its wake.
Making it stand out against my skin.
I should've fixed myself when the red thread showed.
But it just unraveled me even more.
~E, when the red thread showed.

sunsets after dark. | poetry collectionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن