226. - 230.

8 2 0

Part of me misses us.
We were the unexpected duo.
The one that people turned their heads to look at.
The one they wanted to know more about.
The other part knows it's for the better.
The way I was the only one putting in any of the effort.
The way I didn't change once I met someone new.
The way I could still look him in the eye when all he knew how to do was look away.
Now we're strangers.
But with memories.
~E, it's for the better.

"I'm sorry."
After picking myself up.
Putting myself together.
Letting the pieces of glass rest upon one another.
The wine being pouring into me seeping out of my cracks and missing pieces.
"I'm sorry." Won't fix broken glass with a band aid.
~E, I'm sorry means nothing once trust is broken.

Soul Connection.
I felt incomplete when you weren't near.
As if a part of me had been ripped away from me as you walked away.
Staying half-empty or half-full.
There not being a difference between the two.
Other than that I was drawn to you from the very beginning.
As a cartoon character getting a whiff of a delicious pie and gravitating towards it.
I felt at home. Although I was the only one that felt that way.
You've left and came back. Left and came back. The same cycle being repeated again.
We were two people that wouldn't let each other go.
~E, in fear that we wouldn't find each other again.

You either get all of me
or none of me. You get to choose.
~E, you can't just love the easy parts of me.

I have a habit of making everything I work on perfect.
Since if my work's perfect then it means I can be.
~E, it doesn't work that way.

sunsets after dark. | poetry collectionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें