086. the electrocutioner

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Wild Hearts: R5

"Aaron Danzig. Six-four, two twenty five. Mental age of a young child. We believe he's under the control of this man, Jack Gruber." Captain says and Ed changes the picture to a shot of Jack. "In Arkham off a rape/murder beef. We can't find any records on Gruber prior to his incarceration, so we're guessing Gruber is an alias. We're sending his prints nationwide, see if we can find another name for him. Whoever he is, he's clever and angry and a grave public menace. The commissioner is deeply concerned, and he's on his way here to talk to all of you right now. You know what that means. And you know...Jim?

"Captain." Jim replies and I turn my head.

"Hey, partner." Harvey greets.


"Jim." I whisper and hug him.

"Hey." Jim scoffs, hugging me back.

"You're out of your jurisdiction." Captain inquires.

"Captain, this is my case."

"Jim, you need to get out of here."

"It's my case."

"No, no, no. The Captain is right. You need to leave before the commissioner gets here." Harvey nods.

"Why?" Jim wonders.

"Because he holds you responsible for all of this." I lead him down the stairs.

"And...oh, fudge. He's here. And you're there. Sidestep." Harvey pushes us to the side and we stop once the Commissioner passes us.

"Captain Essen." The Commissioner reaches the top of the steps.

"Good morning, Commissioner." Captain replies.

"Officer Gordon, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir." Jim responds.

"Why are you here?" The Commissioner questions.

"I have a better question. Why are you here, Commissioner?"

"Excuse me?" He takes off his glasses.

"This is the first I've seen you down here with the rank and file. You must be desperate."

"Follow me." He starts to walk.

"Really nice knowing you." Harvey pats Jim's shoulder.

"Bring your friends, Bullock and Miss Brady." The Commissioner adds.

"I hate you." He whispers. "I hate you." He repeats and I scoff before following Jim up the stairs.

"How's your mom? Your family okay?" Jim asks.

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