Chapter Three

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Natasha Romanoff came back to the compound after her exhausting three day mission, she didn't bother taking her bags upstairs or to go take a shower, that she so desperately needed; she needed rest. She sat down on the couch, sleep beckoning her, reaching out for the large blanket over the back of the couch to wrap up with it, she was ready to sleep a little before giving Tony the run down of the mission. However, when she reached for the blanket she noticed it was already being used by a brown haired girl who wasn't Kate or Morgan, both of whom were gone for the time being. She quickly stood up and looked curiously at the girl who was sleeping soundly in front of her.

"Ummm Stark?" she yelled, making the girl move slightly.

"Yeah Romanoff?" the billionaire called through JARVIS, since he was downstairs in his lab.

"Whose kid is on the couch?"

"What kid?" Tony yelled back, his voice coming through crystal clear, making the redhead realize that they didn't need to be yelling at each other since JARVIS had connected them.

Natasha rolled her eyes and marched her way down stairs to the lab where Tony was working on another one of his suits, of course he was working on a suit.

"Whose kid is on the couch Stark?" she asked, tapping her fingers against her arms that were crossed over her chest.

"Probably Peter." he replied, temporarily forgetting that the teenager had left Penny sleeping on the couch the previous night and since it was only six in the morning, he decided on letting them both sleep in late considering the previous afternoon's events.

"No, this is a girl." the redhead replied.

Tony didn't respond to her and his attention starting to get more focussed on his suit that was laid out in pieces on the lab tables in front of him. Natasha walked over to him and crossed her arms again, clearly annoyed with him.

"Come on." she called, motioning for him to follow her, she was going to get to the bottom of this.

"Why do you need me, Romanoff?" he grumbled.

"I need answers." she shot.

Nat grabbed Tony's arm pulling him away from his work and dragged him out of the lab, much to his discontent. She pulled him up the stairs, forgoing the elevator, even though it would've been a quicker way to get to the living room. The billionaire let her drag him to the living room, she was one of the only people she feared; in all honesty he feared two people: the redhead in front of him and his wife. And he was definitely not going tell her to stop dragging him up the stairs when she was obviously sleep deprived and looking for answers; he'd learned his lesson a long time ago from doing that. Finally, they stopped in front of the couch where Penny was still asleep.

"Whose kid Tony?" Natasha asked again, pointing at the sleeping girl.

"Oh, that kid," Tony replied, immediately remembering that they'd left the thirteen year old asleep, on the couch.

"Yes, this kid. Whose kid is she?" Natasha questioned again clearly not thrilled to repeat herself for once again.

"That's little Parker," Tony replied, shrugging as he started walking back to the elevator so he could get back to his lab.

"Who?!" the woman asked, clearly a little shocked since Peter didn't talk much about himself, he'd mentioned having a younger sister a couple times in passing, but it was obvious that the topic bothered him so it was usually ignored unless he purposely brought it up.

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