Chapter Thirty-Six

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Peter reached over to his side of the bathroom counter and grabbed the bottle of hair gel. He popped the lid open and squeezed a quarter-sized amount into his hand, like May had shown him when he was younger. He rubbed his hands together before running his fingers through his hair, making sure he got all of his hair covered in the gel so it'd lay down properly. He'd already wet his hair with a wet brush in order to part and style it easier, knowing that if he attempted to style it dry, it wouldn't do as he wanted it to. He reached up and pushed some of his hair back with his hand before grabbing his comb and combing it back into place. After he let it dry, he looked at himself in the mirror; he smiled happily when he saw it looked good. He shut the light off and walked back into his bedroom, where he picked up the dress shirt that was laying neatly across his bed. He pulled it on over his white undershirt; Wanda had stolen his spidersuits in order to keep him from wearing them under his suit, but he really wanted one of his suits, he never went anywhere without one. She'd told him that everything was going to be just fine today and that he didn't need it; that he just needed to be there. He looked at himself in the mirror as he buttoned up the shirt and tucked it into his dress slacks. He grabbed the tie he'd draped over his mirror and adjusted to the right length so he could tie. He tried tying it for several minutes, but continued to fail frustratedly over and over again. He frustratedly pulled the tie down from around his collar and groaned; why'd he have to wear a stupid tie in the first place? Couldn't he just wear the suit without it? That would still look professional, right? He heard a knock at the door and saw Wanda standing in front of the door; she was wearing a simple velvet red dress-ironically it was the exact shade of her powers; everyone in the compound was coming today. All of his friends had gotten permission to miss school for the day; they'd all done today's work earlier in the week in order to not miss anything while they were out for the pair's big day.

"Hey Wands," he greeted, stepping back into his room so she could come in.

"Hi Pete," she greeted, flashing him a small smile.

"Did you need something?" he asked, "N-not to sound rude!" he quickly added when he realized that he sounded rude to the older girl.

She laughed at him, "Just wanted to check on you. Today's a big day." she replied.

"I-I'm fine, I just...I can't get this stupid tie to tie," he huffed, glaring at the silky material in his hand.

She held her hand out, "Let me try."

"You know how to tie a tie Wands?" he asked.

"Steve taught Pietro, and I watched. I love my brother, but he can't tie a tie to save his life; I always end up doing it for him." she replied as she continued to hold her hand out to him.

He nodded and placed the black tie in her hand, "I feel like I'm going to a funeral," he replied.

"Well.... it's not, it's court." she corrected,"Dress to impress Spidey," she replied, pulling the tie down to a suitable length before crossing the longer section over the shorter one.

Peter turned his head to watch her.

She paused a second before lifting his head up with her thumb, "Keep your head straight or it'll turn out weird Peter," she fussed softly.

"Right...sorry," he replied, giving her a slight nod of his head to show he was listening to her.

"It's fine...why couldn't you get your tie right?" she asked, "May showed you how for homecoming; I remember you talked about watching YouTube videos for three hours trying to figure it out."

"I-I don't know, I did it for the funeral and my party," he replied, "B-but its like today I just can't..."

She hummed lightly, tucking a section of the fabric down through the loop she'd created and pulling it all the way through, "Maybe you're nervous," she offered.

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