Chapter Fifty-One

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The next morning, Penny woke up early; her conversation with the redhead had been playing on her mind for almost a week now. Should she tell her parents about her powers? What would they say? What would they do? Would they punish Loki for them? Would they be angry with her? What would Peter say? A million questions were running through her mind, she knew it was irrational to fear the consequences of telling them. They weren't her aunt and uncle; they were completely different. They actually loved her, something she was now convinced her aunt and uncle never did. She pushed herself up from her bed and threw off her covers, forcing herself to stand up. She pulled off the NASA t-shirt she'd stolen from her brother, she'd stolen about three or four from the brunet along with two of his sweatshirts and a sweater. He didn't seem to mind it, but she'd made practice of returning the items after a while. She'd noticed the twin's doing the same thing, whenever Wanda was in a certain state of mind, she'd steal one of her brother's jackets or hoodies. And on occasion the redhead would wear one of her brother's t-shirts to school. Pietro tended to steal her oversized hoodies just to annoy her, then he'd return them when he was certain she was no longer annoyed with them being missing just so he could steal another one. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed a pair of black and white striped shorts and swapped them out with the one's she was wearing to sleep in and tossed her dirty pajamas into the dirty clothes basket. She pulled out a black decalled tank top over her head and started tugging the hair tie out of her braid. She started unraveling her braid with her fingers, letting her tighter curls fall loosely over her shoulders. Her long brown locks now fell down past her hips, swaying a little bit as she moved. She walked over to her dresser and looked at herself in the mirror that was set atop of its cherry colored wood. She sprayed her curls down with water and started combing through them, letting it start to fall around her arms. She stared at herself, her shirt was rising up, showing the slightly reddened skin from her splenectomy and the short line that went down her abdomen. She moved her head slightly, watching some of the dark-colored locks fall over the incision, hiding it from her line of sight. She felt like her hair swallowed her at times, it was comforting, but she knew it was often how people could pick her out from a crowd. Her small frame, paired with a mass of brown curls, made it easy for people to find her when she wasn't hiding from them. She pulled a section of it back and pulled it up into a small ponytail, trying her best to pull it out of her face. She readjusted her top and picked up the small studs from her dresser and put them back in her ears. She looked over at her clock and saw it read nine o'clock, no doubt the majority of the compound was awake. She slipped her flats on and opened her door, making sure she tugged on a black sweater that she'd stolen from her brother. She flipped the light off and pulled the door shut behind her and started making her way to Wanda's room, rolling up the sleeves of her brother's sweater so her hands would be visible. Wanda's door opened before she could even knock on it, the redhead smiled down at her.

"Hi peanut, something on your mind?" she asked as she leaned against her bedroom door.

Penny gave her a slightly confused expression, "H-how'd you-" she stopped talking, her lips slightly pulling down in a small frown.

The redhead smirked as she walked over to her vanity and started putting on her series of earrings in each ear, "Your thoughts are very loud this morning." she replied.


The redhead turned around to look at her, "Do you need my help with anything?"

"I think I want to tell them." she announced lightly, letting the words flow out of her like she was telling some big secret to her best friend.

Wanda smiled at her, "I'm glad to hear that peanut. Do you want me to go with you?" she asked, gently reaching over and pushed a strand of hair out of the girl's eyes.

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