Chapter Fifty-Six

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Kate lay with her arms spread out as she floated around slowly in the pool; her long, deep locks spread around her head. She slowly moved her arms, letting the water filter through her fingertips. She felt someone behind her and slowly peeled her eyes open to see Yelena standing over her. The green-eyed girl was looking down at her, a faint smile on her lips.

"Yes?" she replied, her tone almost sing-songy like Pietro's often was.

"What are you thinking about Katie?" she asked, her fingers carding through the younger girl's wet locks, gently touching her cheeks each time she moved her hand.

"Can you believe that Little P's been here for over a year?" she asked.

She nodded, "Yes I can....are you almost finished?"

Kate stood up on the in-ground steps that Yelena had guided her over to, when she was talking to her, "I guess, why?"

The blonde laughed, "Because we're going skating again for Peter Parker's birthday."

The brunette nodded and stepped out of the pool, "Right." she replied, suddenly remembering that the group had cemented these plans almost two weeks ago.

Yelena nodded, pulling the seventeen year old behind her, "So, we need to shower."

Kate nodded, gently pulling her hand out of the blonde's one, "Lena?" she called softly.

The green-eyed teen paused and turned around to look at her, "Yes?" she replied.

The brunette took a step towards her and gently gripped onto the older girl's chin, pulling it down towards her. She stood on her tiptoes, staring the girl in the eyes, smiling at her softly. She ran her fingers gently through her hair and leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss against the green-eyed girl's slightly pursed lips.

She pulled back slowly, looking into the older girl's green eyes, smirking slightly, "Nothing." she replied, walking away, casting a flirty smile at the girl.

Yelena rolled her eyes at the dark-haired girl and ran over to catch up to the brunette. When she caught up to the younger girl, she wrapped her arms around her waist and rocked them back and forth slightly, "What was that for?" she asked, resting her chin on the girl's shoulder.

Kate shrugged, smiling softly, "Just cuz."

Yelena laughed and kissed her cheek, dropping her hands slightly and looping her fingers with the shorter girls, "I love you Katie."

Kate turned her head to look at her and grinned widely, "I love you too Lena."

The elevator doors slid open and the pair stepped out, walking towards their rooms. They stopped at Yelena's first; the blonde left Kate by herself as she disappeared into her room. Kate walked the rest of the way to her room and stepped in, she unwrapped the towel from around herself and tossed it onto the pile of dirty clothes next to her overflowing clothes hamper before walking to her dresser. She pulled open the bottom drawer that was half-opened and started digging through it for a pair of pants; she finally settled on a pair of ripped, brown shorts and a silky material tank top with dragons on it. She grabbed her underclothes and headed over to her bathroom, where she put her clothes on the counter and stripped her swimsuit off, dropping it in the sink so she'd avoid getting a wet spot on her floor. She stepped into the large walk-in shower and pulled the thick glass door shut behind her, turning the water on as hot as it would go. Fifteen minutes later, she stepped out of the shower, her skin red from her almost boiling hot shower. She quickly dried off, putting everything but her top on as she grabbed the blow dryer. She bent over, tilting her head down so she could dry the underside of her hair easier. After she finished drying her hair, she pulled the blouse on and started typing the straps around her neck. She walked into her bedroom and grabbed a hair tie and tied her hair up into her usual neat ponytail with her bangs framing her face. The blue-eyed teen grabbed her black vans and tugged them on, not bothering to undo the laces before she tucked her phone into her pocket and headed towards Yelena's room. She opened the door to her partner's room, shutting it behind herself and sat in one of the blonde's large, soft chairs, pulling one leg up and resting her arm in it while she waited for the blonde to come out of the bathroom. A few moments later, the green-eyed girl stepped out of the bathroom, her shoulder-length blonde hair pinned up in two braids at the nap of her neck. Kate watched her girlfriend walk over to her dresser and grab her eyeliner before walking over to her mirror and start the process of putting it on. Her cheeks were slightly flushed at the girl who was walking around in her sports bra and boxer shorts, gosh she was beautiful. After a while, the blonde finished putting on her earrings and necklaces before walking over to her bed where her clothes were laid out. She pulled on the butterfly patterned bodysuit and a pair of deep green, wide-legged pants before sitting down to tug her vans on. She stood up and walked over to the brunette, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of her chair.

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