Chapter Five

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Hours later, Tony walked into the living room and saw the two siblings sound asleep on the large couch; yet the pair were only taking up two cushions. He smiled at the sight of Penny sleeping with her head on Peter's lap and at Peter, whose hand was still wrapped in Penny's hair; his head still thrown back against the couch as soft snores escaped his lips. He felt guilty for having to wake them up, especially after what had happened earlier that day and about Nat's suspicions and what she said was true. Part of him didn't want to believe what the redhead was saying until he heard it come from the girl herself, but considering that she'd barely said anything to him the entirety of the time she'd been here, he'd doubted that it would happen. He quietly walked over to Peter and gently shook the boy awake, making sure to avoid touching his skin or he'd end up getting stuck to the teenager.

"Hey kid," he greeted softly, trying to stir him awake gently.

"Mis'er....Mister Stark?" he slurred, bleary eyed, sleep lacing its way into his voice.

"Yeah, it's me kid." he replied softly.

"Oh." the boy replied softly, Tony wondered if he was hoping that it was May waking him up instead and felt that pit of guilt gnawing away at him again.

"Kid, you two have been asleep for the past five and a half hours. We're going to go out for supper." he announced.

"Oh.. Okay Mister Stark."

"Can you wake your sister up, kid?" he asked, Nat had told him about the teenager's flinching when she touched her and and if the redheaded assassin's suspicions were true, she probably wouldn't wake up too easily if he did it.

"Yes sir." the boy replied, already sitting up and brushing the hair out of her face.

"Maybe try to get her to change into some of her new clothes, and you need to change too." he replied.

"Okay Mister Stark."

Peter gently shook his sister awake, trying his best to be as gentle as he could with the action. She quickly jolted awake, looking around with wide eyes, before her gaze fell on him and he felt her stiffen next to him.

"You're okay Princess. It's time to wake up." he told her, in an attempt to help calm her anxiety, he could smell it thanks to his enhanced senses.

"Oh....O-okay Pete," she replied quietly, if it wasn't for his advanced hearing, he wouldn't have been able to pick it up.

"We're going out to eat. Mr. Stark said we need to change." he replied, his fingers gently combing through the ends of her curly brown hair.

"Okay Pete." she replied, nodding.

She stood up and paused, once again looking down at her shoes.

"What is princess?" Peter asked.

"Uhmm.... Pete?..."


"I-I don't remember where your room is..." she replied, she started to play with the hem of her dress again, a nervous tick that she'd formed over time.

"That's okay, I'll show you.." he replied, standing up and stretching his limbs out slightly that were a little sore from sitting in the same position for so long.

"I'm sorry....thank you..."

"It's fine Princess." Peter responded as he quickly and gently kissed the top of her head.

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