Chapter Twenty-Six

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Peter gently knocked on the bathroom door that led to his little sister's room, it was seven hours before his party and he was going to take Pietro up on his advice and talk to his little sister. He wanted to know what was going on with her, what he was sure he was doing wrong.

"Princess, can I come in?" he asked.

He was met with no response but he could hear her shuffling around in her room.

"Princess, I can hear you moving. I'd like to talk to you....please?" he asked softly.

He heard a light sigh from the door and heard the lock untwist before it opened up towards him "H-hi," she whispered.

Her eyes were red and bleary, her hair was unruly, she looked even smaller at the poofy state of her long hair. She was wearing one of his science t-shirts that said NASA across the front, he had several of those, so he'd been happy to give it to her. She moved to the side and motioned for him to step into her room, which he did. He ended up sitting cross-legged in the middle of her bed in his sweatpants and t-shirt, she was looking at him a little funny. When she sat down across from him, in a similar position, he leaned forward a little bit and kissed her forehead, it was a habit he'd formed during the past month and a half. Every time he greeted her, it was followed by a kiss to her forehead or to the top of her head, whichever was easiest at the time.

"Y-you wanted to talk to me Petey?" she asked.

"Um yeah....did I do something wrong?" he asked.

She looked at him confused, "W-what?" she stuttered.

"You've haven't spoken to me at school or at home. When I'm around, it's like you're trying to avoid me. Did I do something wrong? Because If I did I'm really sorry princess, and if you tell me what it is I promise I'll fix it." he quickly blurted, he really wanted her to forgive him for whatever he did wrong.

She quickly shook her head, "You didn't do anything Petey, I promise."

He gave her a confused look, "Then why? Why have you been avoiding me?" he asked, his voice cracking.

"I-it's complicated..." she whispered.

Peter frowned what was so complicated about it? "Can you please explain it to me then? Because before school started we spent so much time was nice, but lately it's like you don't want me around any more. I-I'm worried about you princess." he replied softly.

"I-I'm sorry Pete, I didn't mean to worry you or make you feel bad....It's just...." she took a deep breath, Peter noticed her picking at the hem of her t-shirt, "School's a-a lot...and I didn't want to worry you because you have a lot on your plate...You have all your friends and a girlfriend plus your internship with Mister Stark and after school activities. I didn't want to push my problems onto you b-because you have enough to worry about."

"I'm you big brother princess, it's my job to worry about you. It's my job to be there for you when you need me. Is something going on at school?" he asked.

"N-no nothing's going on." she replied quickly, shaking her head.

"Because you can talk to me princess. Anytime you need me, I'm there it doesn't matter where or when. You're the most important thing to me, nothing will ever change that. You have people in your corner, princess, and I don't mean just me." he pressed his forehead against her's, so she had to look him in the eyes, "You have all of us. Wanda and Pietro, Kate and Lena, Nat, Mister Stark, Pepper, everyone. You don't need to fight your battles alone princess, you have people who can help you." Peter gently touched her arm, his finger lingered on a fading bruise that was right below her elbow, he saw a few other ones on both of her arms, "If you want to tell me what's going on, you can. I promise you no one will be mad or angry with you princess. We want to help, please tell me what's going on with you. Is it Brad again? Mister Stark can fix that problem really quickly if you want, I can fix that problem." he replied, if it was Brad he'd definitely fix that problem with or without Mister Stark's help.

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