Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Peter woke up first to Pietro snoring loudly next to Wanda. He unwrapped himself from around his sister and sat up to where he could see Pietro. He rolled his eyes at the boy snoring and rolled off the mattress, he shook his legs a little in an effort to make the legs of his pajama pants that had twisted in his sleep fall back down to where they belonged before walking over to Pietro. He groggily ran a hand through his hair and ended up making it stand up on end. He started shaking him awake while making sure not to wake up the redhead next to him. Pietro groggily rolled over and looked at him, before sitting up. Peter snorted lightly to himself at the older boy's longish ash-blond hair sticking out in different directions.

"What is it Peter?" he asked, his voice husky from sleep as he motioned for the sixteen year old to leave him alone.

"You're snoring and we have school," the younger boy replied.

Pietro groaned and plopped back down on the bed, "Go away Peter, I want ten more minutes."

"Don't wake up Wanda!" Peter whisper-yelled at him, "She needs her sleep and it's six, we've slept long enough. Help me get the girls up P, we still gotta get the stuff outta here." he replied.

Pietro groaned but conceded, "How are you this awake already, little brother?"

Peter shrugged, "We have school," he replied before walking over to his sister.

He knelt back down on the mattress on the floor and pulled the covers down that were almost completely pulled over Penny's head. She had a habit of cocooning herself in her covers, Peter rolled her over and started gently shaking her awake.

"Come on princess up and at 'em," he announced lightly, "we have school soon and Pietro and I need to clear out our stuff from Wanda's room."

After a few more minutes of coaxing, he managed to get the thirteen year old awake. She sat up and yawned before stretching and rubbing her eyes. He smiled lightly, she looked a lot younger than she was when she slept and when she first woke up. He kissed her forehead and greeted her a good morning before pulling her up into a standing position. She still had her brown teddy bear tightly grasped in one hand and was leaning against his chest with her arms dangling between them, she wasn't exactly fully awake yet. He gently pushed her up into a standing position, knowing that if he let her, she'd fall asleep while leaning against him.

"Come on princess, wake up, I'll make you hot chocolate with extra sugar at breakfast."

"M'kay," she sleepily replied.

She yawned again and rubbed her eyes with her free hand while Peter handed her her pillow and gathered up the blankets he'd brought from his room. Pietro had managed to get Yelena and Kate up in the time it took Peter to get his sister up. Which wasn't really much work in the first place, all he needed to do was wake up Yelena. The blonde was a heavy sleeper and wasn't a morning person, especially when she got a good sleep, which she seemed to get for the night considering it was almost six fifteen and she usually woke up by five thirty. Kate, on the other hand, was a relatively light sleeper, while she did love to sleep, she easily woke up once Yelena had moved off the mattress. The two girls were gathering Kate's blankets and their pillows up in their arms and walking out to their rooms. When Peter came back, Penny was curled up in a large soft chair that Wanda had in her room, almost fully asleep again. He groaned a little and pulled her up into a standing position.

"No, no, no princess. You gotta wake up. Come on, let's get you to your room, you need to change."

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