Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Peter woke up on the floor of his room, his window was still partially open; he groaned a little bit before pushing himself into an upright position. He looked at his hands to see he was still in his suit, then suddenly realized why he was on the floor. His hand rushed to his abdomen to check for any signs of the stab wound from last night. He sighed a sigh of relief once he felt no discernable laceration or indentation in his skin. He hadn't meant to get stabbed, it just happened, he had gotten distracted fighting bad guy one when bad guy two came out of nowhere and stabbed him. It hadn't been too deep, just two inches deep and about an inch and a half wide, luckily it was in the side of his abdomen, right above his hip bone, if it had been more on his stomach region he'd probably wouldn't have made it home last night. At least he passed out in his room, not when he was scaling the building or swinging home; that would not have been ideal. He peeled his sweaty, dirty suit off and inspected it to see if he could fix it without letting Tony know about his accident. He grinned a little to himself once he realized that he could, in fact, fix it. He quickly stuffed his torn suit and his mask under his bed before grabbing some clothes from his dresser so he could get a shower. Once in the bathroom, he locked the bathroom doors that led not only to his room but to Penny's as well. He looked at the clock on the wall and widened his eyes a little. It was already ten-thirty in the morning, he'd definitely overslept. He quickly stripped from his boxers and jumped into the shower, trying his best to scrub off the dirt that had managed to find its way into his suit. After he stepped out of the shower, he started drying himself off. In the mirror, he caught sight of the small pink line of the new skin that had been formed where the wound had once been. He was happy to realize that it would be fully healed after he ate breakfast. He quickly pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants before unlocking the doors to the bathroom and walking back into his room. He tossed his towel in the dirty clothes chute and started making his way downstairs for breakfast, if there was any left. His stomach growled a little at the thought of food, making him realize that he'd skipped his early morning snack. He was surprised his stomach wasn't absolutely writhing in pain, considering he was supposed to eat about every three hours. He walked into the dining room to see his plate was seated in between Penny and Wanda. His family of sorts was still eating, making him hope that he wasn't too late to breakfast. He quietly slipped in between the two girls hoping that no one would mention his being late to the morning meal. He was wrong, Tony had noticed him.

"Sleep well underoos?" the billionaire asked.

Peter choked a little on his apple juice, Tony hadn't really used the nickname in front of his sister. He cleared his throat, "Y-yes sir." he replied, blinking his eyes slowly.

"JARVIS said you were up late last night." he replied, giving Peter a knowing look.

"Yeah I uh couldn't sleep...lots of ideas for the um internship." he replied.

"We'll talk about them later kid, eat your breakfast I know you're hungry."

Peter was about to deny his mentor's words when his stomach loudly rumbled making his sister giggle a little when he blushed, "Maybe a little." he replied.

Peter was grateful KAREN and JARVIS hadn't told the man about his being stabbed, he didn't want to sit through another lecture with a worried and angry Tony Stark. The lecture after homecoming had been more than enough for him, thank you very much. He felt his senses tingle a little more than they usually did at breakfast and felt a headache starting to form. He glared at Wanda whose hands were glowing a light red under the table as she tried to read his mind.

"Wands get out of my head," he whispered to where only she could hear it.

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